10. lock & key synthesis

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Song - Gravity - Ella Eyre.

Just to remind you all. The flashbacks are in italics.

Harvey sat in the darkness of his bedroom, completely secluded from everything execpt the devices of his own mind. The talk with his father had opened and closed so many things inside of him. He wasn't sure how to take it, but it had given him some inspiration on other certain things. He knew what he had to do.

So he picked up his phone and typed a very shaky text message.

"I want to ask you something." Oliver said timidly with his face pressed against Harvey's neck.

Harvey intertwined their fingers together "Ask away."

"Why do you hide this part of yourself? " He asked quietly. Harvey closed his eyes briefly then opened it again "Because the world I live won't accept any other part of me but what is expected." A world he was beginning to loathe. Actually, a world he had always loathed.

His used his fingers to rub the other boy's creamy thighs "But somehow, this is so makes that dreadful world easier to bare."

Oliver snuggled closer to him "You're brave."

Harvey turned to him, surprised "How?"

"I don't think I'd be able to hide who I am, no matter how bad the situation is." He replied to him. "That's just something I'd ever be able to do."

"Can I ask you something Ollie?" He turned to the boy snuggling beside him.
Ollie smiled "Sure."

"Why do you do this?" He knew his question would hit a tough spot. It wasn't something that any of them really wanted to address.

Oliver stopped smiling "Please don't ask me that. I've told you never to ask me that Harvey."

"I know. But I just want to understand why you have to do this, when you're so much better than this. You deserve better than this." He tried to explain.

The other boy stood up from the bed abruptly and started tying his robes back on "You may hate the world you come from Harvey, but I assure you that it's not the worst at all. Far from the fucking worst."

Harvey sighed "I understand-"

"No you don't!" Oliver shouted surprising them both "You have no fucking clue what it's like waking up in the morning with no idea what you're going to eat. Or whether you will eat that day. Or if that's the last day you'll have a roof over your head. Or if that's the last day you'll ever wake up, because you might get killed walking to the grocery store on a wrong day."

By now tears were falling from his eyes, each tear drop broke Harvey piece by piece. This beautiful boy should have nothing to cry about. He immediately stood up from the bed and embraced Oliver allowing him to sob into his chest. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"Shhh." Harvey comforted clutching Oliver closer as if that would be enough to protect him from everything. "Don't ever apologise. You have nothing to apologize for. In fact the universe should be apologising to you because it chose the fucking wrong person to torment."

Oliver swore silently as he heard his phone vibrate on the bedside drawer. Liam was snoring gently and he didn't want to wake him up since he had an early meeting to attend. He untangled himself from his boyfriend's naked arms and quietly picked up the phone to see who was texting him at this hour.

"Shit." He said after reading the message. He knew that he wasn't supposed to, it would stand against every rule he made for himself and his new life. But surely rules were meant to be broken right?

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