Chapter 3

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(Note: Yes, Firestar is in this instead of Bramblestar, I'm just attached to him lel!)

          The first stars of Silverpelt were rising into the night sky. Yellowpaw and Mothpaw were walking side by side. "So, is this your first Gathering?" Mothpaw said.

          "Yeah," Yellowpaw said. "I've never been to the island before."

          Ashenlight padded ahead of them with Quillwatcher.

          Cherryleaf and Crowcall took up the rear, tails entwined together.

          Scorchstar, who was in the lead, dipped his head in greeting at the ThunderClan leader, Firestar, who was in front of their cats chosen to go. There were about twenty of them.

          In their large group, she could make out the shape of Jayfeather, the medicine cat.

          And one of the couples - Blossomfall and Thornclaw.

          They padded on the shore of the lake in RiverClan territory. The rocks on the shoreline lightly scraped her pads, causing her to bounce a little.

          Eventually they made it to the island. Scorchstar leaped onto the fallen tree and weaved his way gracefully across it, then jumped onto the other side while his Clanmates followed.

          Finally, it was Yellowpaw's turn to cross. She scrambled onto the slippery trunk and instinctively dug her claws into the rough bark. Even that barely stopped her from slipping into the lake.

          "Easy there," one of the warriors, Beechstream, meowed, lightly pressing behind her to steady her.

          "Thanks," Yellowpaw mewed, laughing nervously. She slowly clawed her way across the fallen tree and jumped onto the other side, where Ashenlight weaved through the warriors and padded to her side.

          "You did great crossing for a new apprentice!" she purred, pressing against her side.

          "Thank you, Ashenlight!"

          "Of course! Now, squeeze your way into the clearing through here." Her mentor pointed to a gap in the brambles and ferns with her tail.

          She followed the direction Ashenlight's tail was pointing in and squeezed her way through the ferns. The tight space on the side of the island they had entered on opened up into a large clearing. Cats of all Clans were sharing tongues and mingling. She never knew that was okay!

          She sat down near Shorepaw, who was talking with a WindClan apprentice. Mothpaw sat next to her.

          The chatter in the large area of land increased once the two Clans arrived.

          After a while, Yellowpaw felt that it was about to start.

          Scorchstar and Firestar, now sharing a branch on the Great Oak, glanced at Laurelstar, a gray tom with a white muzzle, signaling for him to speak. The tom let out a yowl, quieting the crowd of warriors. "Greetings, everyone. I hope you all are well-rested."

           Still silence.

          "Who would like to speak first?" Laurelstar asked.

          "You may," Pourstar growled.

            He stepped forward. "WindClan has been well. Prey is running well, also. We have two new warriors, Troutriver and Petalfeather. One of our queens, Flowerfrost, has had her first litter of healthy, strong kits, and that's about it!" He nodded."Pourstar," Firestar meowed. "Would you like to speak?"

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