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"minhooo!" you dragged out his name, annoyed at his sluggishness.
"i told you im too tired to keep walking y/n," he pouted.

to give some backstory, yes you are with lee minho of stray kids. crazy huh? it all started in high school actually. minho was sort of an enemy of yours. he picked on you but never in any way did it cause you any harm. you messed with him in return. but in your junior year you grew closer. you still picked on each other but you were somewhat good friends. near the end of the year you caught feelings for him though. you decided to confess and well, you started dating after that. you were both quite a popular couple. your life was going perfect. and it still is, a freshman in college and your boyfriend is in one of the most popular boy groups now. currently you're shopping with him and well, minho isn't a big fan of shopping but...

"y/n! come back here," minho suddenly seemed not so tired anymore as you ran off, giggling.
you ran into another shop and minho sighed before running after you.
"oh! you made it," you said to him as you smirked a bit.
he playfully glared at you before looking around the store himself.

after you both picked out a few items you left the store, hand in hand while your other hands were holding onto your shopping bags. you smiled to yourself thinking how happy you were. you both got in minho's car and drove off to his apartment.

TIME SKIP «at the apartment»
"i'll stay here tonight but i have classes tomorrow so you're driving me," you explained to your now fully exhausted boyfriend.
"yeah, yeah, can we sleep now?" he asked as he covered his eyes with a pillow. you sighed and flopped onto his chest. he let out a "huff" before letting his arms rest on your back. you didn't feel that tired but before you knew it you had fallen asleep just as you were.

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