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"peaches?" you heard him say.
"you- you can see me?" you asked, still a bit hesitant. instead of answering your obvious question, minho stood up and embraced you swiftly. you hesitantly embraced him back.
'is this a dream?' you both thought simultaneously. once he released you he began again, "how are you here right now? and why- why can't i feel you?" those words broke you a bit. a small part of you wanted to believe that all of what has happened in the last month was a dream and everything was back to normal.
"i really don't know. i mean- i've been here for a while now but i guess i've just mustered up enough energy to make physical contact," you explained to the best of your ability. when you looked back into his eyes, there was nothing but joy. you missed seeing him that way.
"whatever happened, im so grateful. do you know how much i've missed you, y/n?" he said with a sort of sad smile on his face.
"yes, minho. i mean- i guess it's different for you because everyday i've been with you but i still missed you. everyday i hoped you would look at me. i just can't believe this is really happening." you fell onto your knees and began to sob slightly. minho kneeled down after you.
"hey, hey, hey," he rubbed your back, forgetting neither of you could feel each other. "its okay cuz you're here now. we can be together still, okay? we can figure this out." you looked up at him after hearing these words. you knew this couldn't work out but it hurt you too much to break his heart for the second time. so instead you nodded and forced a small smile.

you were both exhausted after all of the pain you've been through. after a while, minho fell asleep. he fought the urge to close his eyes for so long, afraid that when he woke up you'd be gone. but you fell asleep beside him soon after.

a/n: hi omg! it's been a while since ive updated. tbh i forgot i even started this book 😭 the first chapter has a few reads which i wasn't expecting at all. i hope someone stumbles across this and gives it a try hahJajanw. anyways, i'll try to update a bit more <3

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