Chapter 6

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There was one more ceremony that was held in the same place just like the last one and time quickly passed at it was already over. I can certainly say that it was the most uneventful event in my highschool life. I'm sure that the other students share the same thoughts as I.

It was noon and the students from the gymnasium, where the ceremony was held, are heading to the dorms while others are heading for the mall.

Some groups and cliques were already formed and the ones that was left out all headed towards the dorm.

I decided that I would go to the convenience store since I have a hundred yen to spare. I tried my best to avoid going to the mall because that place will be packed with students.

Once I arrived at the front convenience store, I noticed three familiar figure near the facility. It was the red-haired fellow, Ayanokouji, and a female student with a familiar long black hair.

I didn't mind them and I entered inside the convenience store.

As expected, there were only a few students in here. This must be the chosen place of the other students who failed to make friends during their homeroom.

I went to the beverages section and took two bag of potato chips. After that I went to the corner of the store to open the refrigerators to get some canned cola.

When I closed the refrigerator door, I noticed that there was another student nearby. She appears to be picking something from the refrigerator next to mine.

I noticed earlier that each refrigerator in this store had signs on top of it. The one that I just closed had 'cola & soft drinks' written on it.

Incidentally, the one written on the refrigerator that the girl just opened has the words 'alcohol' in it.

When I was done paying for the snack that I got, I headed out.

The unusual group earlier wasn't there anymore.

With that, I headed towards the dormitory.

It was around one pm when I made my way to the dorms. This will be the place where I will be staying for the next three years. At the reception desk, the receptionist handed me the key card for my room and a handbook.

After that, I entered the elevator. I quickly flipped thought the handbook,  reading certain parts that I felt was important and skipping those that I deemed unecessary.

The dates for when the garbage will be collected are listed along with the notices to not waste water and electricity.

After reading the handbook, I went to inspecting the key card that I received. It has a bluish color and the numbers 405 was written on it.

Soon, the elevator came to a halt. With the number of my room in mind, I stepped out and started to look for it.

The hallway was spacious and it really looked like a dorm. There were lines of doors on both sides, each with their respective numbers.

I quickly found mine and I immediately swiped the key card on the card reader. There was a beep and the light turned green.

I opened the door and what greeted me is your standard dormitory room. I immediately went to the bed and sat on it.

The room had the necessities that you will always see in a dormitory room, it even had a computer inside.

After inspecting the room that I was in, I went into the kitchen. It also looks normal. I opened the cupboards only to find it empty.

"I guess it depends on the students if they're going to spend their points on the necessities."

The convenience store earlier had all the items you will need from hygiene to beverages.

I should go buy what I need tomorrow.

The first day of the class began today. It's called a class, but all the teachers who entered the room just introduced themselves and introduced the topic or subject that they're going to teach.

The red-haired dude was always sleeping but no one dared to point him out. With the way how he acted yesterday, it was obvious that most of the students will ignore him.

The teachers too, ignored the sleeping redhead. I find it weird that they didn't reprimand him. But I guess it depends on the student wether they're going to listen or not. Plus, he doesn't look like the type who studies at all.

By the way, I have no way of knowing the names of the students who left the classroom during the introduction so I still do not know the names of some of my classmates.

I don't have the luxury of time to introduce myself to them one-by-one.

The classes passed by and soon it was lunchtime.

Students went out of the classroom in groups, displaying their friendships for everyone to see and as a student who still hadn't made any decent acquaintance in the campus, I felt a little envious.

I glanced at the student sitting beside me. She looked like she's not planning on standing up any moment and she's not doing anything in her desk either. She might just be waiting for the proper opportunity to stand up.

Just after that thought, the opportunity that she appears to be waiting for had come.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?" It was Hirata who said that. The same Hirata that the girls of the class was so fond of.

After his announcement, the girls who were clearly waiting for this chance all raised their hands.

"I’ll go, too!"

"Me, too! Me too!"

Girls started to gather around Hirata. He looked somewhat lonely, he must've expected that there would be boys to join as well.

But judging by the situation that he's in, that would be a pipe dream because the boys in the class are eyeing him with jealousy.

"Let's go Hirata-kun." One of the girls latched herself around Hirata's arm.

Then with that, Hirata went out of the room with his harem in tow.

After that, I stood up. Then headed straight for the door to go to the cafeteria myself.


On my way out, someone called me. I turned around to see Inogashira, my seatmate.

"Inogashira-san? Is something wrong?" I asked.

Her ears were red as a beet and she was bowing her head.

"No, it's just, I have a favor to ask."

Well, I guess I can do it and it can also be an opportunity to have an acquaintance here in the class.

But why would she ask me for a favor?

"Is this favor something only I can do?Couldn't you have just asked other students that's more capable than me? Like Hirata-kun?" I answered but she just shook her head.

"This favor. It's something that only you can do, Nanabe-kun."

"Is that so?"


"Then sure, let's hear it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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