Fly Away 02

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I stood up quickly and said "I need to go to the bathroom!" I can hear them talking as I hurry down the isle.

"Someones embarrassed, Louis I honestly ship." i can hear Issie say in serious voice. Her serious voice is starting to freak me out. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I look up at myself in the mirror.

"Why am i doing this?" i say softly.

I rest my elbow on the edge of the sink, not breaking eye contact with myself. Am I overreacting? I just fell asleep, that's all I did.

That's it.

It's not like I like Louis. No way. I cant like Louis. He is just a self centered dick.

I've been in the washroom for 3 minutes now, I should probably go back to my seat.

I'm walking back to my seat when I look over and see a girl walking to the bathroom on her phone. She slips past me and i get a glimpse of her phone, just instagram-

Wait, what?!

That was a picture of me and Louis resting our heads on each other, asleep. And she was about to post it on Instagram. Oh shit. I run back to our seats.


Sorry this is a really short chapter, Ill try and post another one later 

My computer has been really slow but i just ordered a new one so they're will more and more content this week! 

thanks for reading

Fly Away~Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now