➳ 08

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08. let's cause a little trouble.

• R •

It's been weeks since I've heard from Ashton, and I'm trying not to lose it. He could be very well hiding himself from everyone in his, our, house, but I can't bring myself to go.

Is not that I don't care, is just that I'm tired of always coming back to him like nothing happened, like he wasn't so quick to think I slept with Michael when clearly all he did was to prevent me from getting raped.

I understood why he got so worked up, but after explaining all it was annoying how he still was accusing me, and I can't take this type of shit from anyone.

I walked out of my house, not bothering to check if my mom or dad were awake, and went on a silent walk.

I liked walking, it's good for clearing up my mind about any thoughts I have, and this past few weeks, I've had many. With my hands in my pockets and my hair being blown out by the almost freezing wind, I made my way towards the beach.

It pretty early in the morning, so there was no one around, except for a familiar guy with eccentric hair sitting in the sand, his eyes fixed on the waves before us.

With lightweight steps, I made my way towards him and sat down beside him; he noticed me, I could tell, but none of us said anything, as if we already knew why we were both here.

"He's an asshole, Rebel," Michael said, still fixed on the sea. "He won't do you any good."

"Then who will?" I asked, feeling myself shake when a cold breeze blew between us; he looked at down on the sand, his jaw clenched.

"You'll find someone." He answered; his voice laced with exaggerated numbness; like he was trying too hard to hide something.

"So will you," I said, not really paying much attention. I missed Ashton; he could be an asshole, but he was mine and I missed him.

"I already have." He simply said, and I decided to keep my mouth shut so I wouldn't ask dumb questions, because it was clear he wasn't up for it.

After a while, he lets out a dramatic sigh and stands up, looking down at me, he smirks and lends his hand for me to reach. I take it and he helps me stand up. Licking his lips, chapped from the cold weather, he says, "wanna do something fun?"

- - - - - - -

After stealing a box of cigarettes from a gasoline store, rolling some joints, and having shots of Jack Daniels for breakfast, we make our way down random streets, him carrying me in his back and me singing Nirvana.

"Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be..." I scream at the top of my lungs, and the people waking up look at me as if I'm crazy, while he just laughs. He's never really laughed before, and it's a sound I wanna hear again.

I take the cigarette from his mouth, feeling dizzy from the shots still, and place it in mine, taking a long drag.

"I'm such a good singer," I whisper into his ear, and he laughs again.

"The best one I've ever heard; Billie Holiday would be jealous." He answers, and I look at the street as I rest my head on top of his.

"Aren't you getting tired?" I ask, since it's been a while he's been carrying me.

"Not really, you're like a feather." He answers, and I'm about to answer when I feel myself gagging.

"Shit, Michael, shit, put me
down!" I manage to yell, and he follows my orders instantly.

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