➳ 07

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07. maybe you'll change your mind.

Michael's POV

Standing against the concrete wall I looked at my phone as I waited for any sign of the dark haired girl. A part of me felt indifferent towards the fact that she hasn't showed up yet, but another part, a bigger part which I hate, is feeling really anxious at the thought of her not coming to meet me.

Did she, after all, leave with Boyfriend Star?

Why does it matter?

After a couple of minutes I just frankly gave up and decided to leave Rebel and Boyfriend Star alone; I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel disappointed. I'd thought much more of Rebel when it came to dealing with Boyfriend Star. I was expecting her to be the better person in the situation.

Maybe she is being the better person, I thought, maybe you're just disappointed because you knew that being with you wasn't the right choice but you still wanted her to take it. Oh God, I'm pathetic.

"Michael?" I heard her voice from my side and I immediately felt something grow inside me. I couldn't quite figure out what it was, between a tingling sensation and a feeling of nausea, but it made me feel uneasy. Uneasy at the fact that I feel like this, just by hearing her voice.

"You came." Was all my stupid self could say, staring right at her somewhat surprised. And somewhat happy, too. She didn't stay with Boyfriend Star after all.

"Yes... you asked me to come, didn't you?" She asked, letting out a laugh.

"I didn't think you'd co-" I said, but refused to finish the sentence at all. She didn't have to know I was debating whether or not she'd come. "Where's Boyfriend Star?"

"He left," she gave me a small smile, "I made him leave."

"Sad to hear that," I answered, showing no emotion whatsoever. "You guys have been on a rough path lately, huh?"

"You could say so... But let's stop talking about that."

"Yeah, let's walk." She nodded and we both made our way down the street, both of us hiding our hands in our pockets, not knowing what to say.

The worst part of a cliché is when you start living it; walking down the street with a girl beside me, and suddenly I'm lost, searching for words because she's so beautiful every particle of sense in my mind has completely dissolved.

And that's when you feel like the cameras are rolling and this is all out of a script of a Nicholas Sparks movie and all of this nervousness and quietness I've seen it before, but I hadn't lived it yet, until now.

"What did you want to talk about?" She broke the silence, clapping her hands together and rubbing them since it was cold outside and none of us cared enough about ourselves to wear gloves.

"What?" I was broken out of my fantasy, cold air hitting my face and making my nose and cheeks red.

"You asked me to meet you, what did you want to say?" She asked, looking straight at me.

"I don't have anything to say, unless you ask." I answered, slapping myself mentally. Still searching, searching.

"Then what are we doing here?" She looked at me confused, like she couldn't grasp the thought of me wanting to see her for reasons others than to say some shocking secret about her boyfriend's past.

"Hanging out?" I said, taken aback. "That's what friends do?"

"We're friends?"

"Ouch." I simply answered, a humorless laugh escaping my chapped lips.

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