001. in this place

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(lower case intended, cassiopeia and sirius are twins)

as marilyn reia lovegood and cassiopeia roxy black boarded the boats, they both stared longingly at the castle of stone - their home for the next 7 years. the two first years were accompanied by sirius black - cassiopeia's brother - and james potter - a rowdy boy they met on the train.

"sorry about this, cass." sirius said, smiling, "believe me, i wouldn't have sat with you if i could help it."

cassiopeia ignored him, instead choosing to look up at marilyn - staring wistfully at the lake with a small smile. she loved marilyns smile. it was such a small, precious thing. although it wasn't big enough to reach her eyes, it was still beautiful -in cassies eyes, anyways. it was soft, easy to get rid of, as if one small breeze of wind could make is disappear.

cassie wished that they would both get into slytherin, maybe then she could have her first friend that wasn't her brother. she watched marilyn dip her hand gently into the water, creating a small ripple.

"you're drooling a bit, cass." sirius smirked, pointing to a corner of her lip. she responded but hitting his hand away.

"you talk an awful lot, don't you?" james laughed. "look! we're almost there!"

the two boys immediately stood up, and marilyn's eyes moved away from the lake towards the massive glowing castle.

"what house are you hoping for, roxy?" she asked, her voice small and delicate. the first time they met, marilyn agreed her name was too long, and decided upon calling her roxy - cassies middle name. in response, cassiopeia called her reia - marilyn's middle name. 'it's my mother's name' she said on the train, her eyes lighting up.

"roxy?" sirius asked, face curling in disgust. "that's a stupid name."

cassie glared at him, protectively moving closer to reia. "so is 'sirius'." she replied cooly.

"oh shut -." he was cut off by james, who was now flailing his arms around.


cassies breath caught in her throat. she was finally at hogwarts. she was finally free.

everyone clamoured off the boats, James and sirius racing to be the first one inside. cassie got out slowly, admiring the castle, before grabbing reia's hand and carefully helping her out of the rocking boat. "thank you."

they slowly walked towards the castle, taking in every detail. a suddden wave of fear rushed over cassiopeia. what if she wasn't sorted into gryffindor? what if she fails every class? what if she gets bullied? no, nobody would ever think twice to say anything bad about a black.

as mcgonagall wrapped up the speech and they were all inside, waiting for the sorting to start. an old, worn out hat perched amongst the stool, with a small rip for what she guessed was to be the mouth.

"abbot, williams." the hat called, "HUFFLEPUFF"

two more kids were called until it said, "black, sirius." oh, please, don't do anything stupid. "GRYFFINDOR!"

the hall was silent for a moment, before bursting out in a loud applause. "black, cassiopeia." she carefully walked to the stool, sitting down before the hat was placed on her head and she couldn't see anything but darkness.

"ahh, another black? lots of courage. very ambitious. strong desire to prove yourself, but where to put you?" it whispered in her head. please slytherin. please, anything but gryffindor. "slytherin? cassiopeia, my girl, you'd do amazing in any house. slytherin, or gryffindor? slytherin or gryffindor?" cassie mentally fought the hat, it seemed like hours before the hat gave in and yelled, "SLYTHERIN"

she almost ran towards the table, wanting to escape the bored eyes staring at her.  they were finally at the 'L's' and roxy knew what was next. "LOVEGOOD, MARILYN." she glanced at reia, who was smiling calmly as she slowly climbed the small steps. how could she be so calm? "RAVENCLAW!"

oh, cassies heart fell, she didn't have any friends in slytherin. she could sense sirius' mocking gaze, burning holes in the back of her neck. cassie glanced at the ravenclaw table. it was next to slytherins, and roxy could spot reia behind her. would they still be friends?  would reia still talk to her? what if she ignores her for being a slytherin?

no, reia wouldn't do that. "reia," she whispered, waiting for marilyn to turn around. "are we.. still y'know.. friends?"

reia only smiled, nodding briefly before turning back around. that was enough for cassie.

it was enough for both girls, who didn't know what was to come in the next few years.

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