006. tracing her face

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(btw, top picture is just something i made that's supposed to be reia/luna. i'm making the titles lyrics from the song this is home. this whole book was inspired by a tik tok where someone was getting bullied by the marauders. i honestly kinda feel like they'd be a little bit like this. i don't think they were completely nice where they smiled at you and everything - considering sirius dated so many different girls, remus was snappy from full moons and wtver, and james was not perfect. i'm not even gonna get started on peter. ahaha 100 words and it's just an authors note. i'm gonna shut up now, cya.)

friday, 10th of september 1976
under the willow tree next to the black lake
4:21 pm

"reia?" she asked, laying on her back in the cool shade of the tree. "are you okay? i noticed that you haven't been talking much." marilyn opened her mouth to speak, but roxy beat her to it. "not that i notice you a lot." she added hastily, "because i don't look at you and i certainly don't notice you purposely and i don't watch you in the library when you read or anything!"

"yes, roxy," she giggled. oh, how cassies heart fluttered at the sound. "i don't notice you either." she smiled kindly at her.

they were both laying down on the grass, looking up at the clouds to try and make out a shape. "oh," marilyn sprung up, "i've got something i needed to give you." she took something out of her pocket. "i was going to give it on the train, but i forgot."

she held out a flower crown made with small pink, purple, and white flowers. although cassie did not know what they were, she loved it all the same. casting an everlasting charm, reia gently put it on her head, smiling. she picked out one from her pocket again, and placed it on her own head this time.

"matching," marilyn, grinned. "do you like it?"

cassie couldn't trust herself to speak, she was overflowing with warmth and fondness for the small blonde girl in front of her. instead, she chose to nod, eyes tearing up at the sight of her bestfriend.

"may i do your hair?" reia asked, fingers brushing over the dark black of cassies own hair. "maybe we could even go for a swim, it's pretty hot."

roxy turned around, letting reia play around with her locks of her hair. she could feel marilyns fingers on her scalp, brushing out hair and straightening her hair line. she closed her eyes, wanting nothing more for her to keep going. don't stop, she thought.

as reia fixed up the last of her hair, she pulled out a small blue ribbon from her pocket, using the peace of string to tie it up. "turn around," she commanded. roxy obeyed with no objection. she put her fingers up to her face, pulling out small tresses of straight hair. "perfect," she whispered.

it was done in two messy dutch braids on each side of her hair, going down into one combined ponytail, tied up with a blue ribbon. it was gorgeous, both cassie and reia thought. "shall we go swimming now? the water is warm." they both knew that was a lie. no matter how hot the weather was, the water never seemed to change temperatures; perhaps that was why the Slytherin dungeons were freezing.

"of course," both girls took their robes off, remaining in their shirts and pants. although cassie hated swimming, she loved it when reia was around. she handled her so gently, so delicate - as if she would break in one wrong move, and cassie loved it.

they walked slowly through the water, gradually getting deeper the farther they went. it wasn't until it reached their shoulders did they stop. being so caught up with marilyn, cassiopeia didn't even realise that they weren't alone. she saw four boys playing in the water as well, not too far from them.

a tentacle reached out and caught roxy's legs, lifting her up into the air. "oh, merlin, why me." she screamed as the tentacle threw her up into the air, catching her, and doing it again. it happened about 15 times, the squid grew bored and didn't catch her, instead letting her fall straight into the water.

marilyn was now laughing at her, giggling when the tentacle picked her up again. this time, it didn't throw her, instead, it brought her right next to reia. "why, hello there, fair maiden."

"hello, my knight in shining armour." she said in an equally posh tone.

"shall we head back inside?" reia offered an arm, cassie took in gingerly.

"we shall."


Friday 10th of September 1976
slytherin dormitory's - girls
9:58 pm

as cassie was getting read for bed, she put the flower crown onto her bedside table, and removed the braid that had been done for her earlier this morning. she pulled out the ribbon, looking at it with tired eyes. it had the letters:


she felt all giddy, as if this was her most valuable item. it was, actually. it was a royal blue colour, the words were written in a silver, cursive font.

"are you going to stare at that all night?"  greengrass leered, "you look at is as if it's merlin."


friday 11th of September 1976
slytherin dormitory's - girls
3:39 am

cassiopeia didn't understand why she liked marilyn all of a sudden. she thought she was attracted to boys. after all, she's had her fair share of failed hogsmeade dates. she had dated most of the slytherins in her year, a couple hufflepuffs, and even a gryffindor. of course, none of them were serious. her and her brother had an in spoken bet: who could date the most people.

so far, sirius was winning by 8 people. it's not fair,  she thought, he's been here longer then me.

it was odd - dating people in first year. but they both wanted to win. cassie had been single for about 7 months now, whilst sirius has been dating the same person for 5 months. it was a wonder how he could keep someone more then a fortnight.

she thought back to the afternoon.

talking to reia, swimming with her, laughing with her.

as cassie recalled these memories, she allowed herself to be overcome with sleep.


okay soooo, sixth year is where all the drama is. considering she becomes a death eater and wtver. anyways, this story is a slow burn. i know it doesn't seem like it, considering cassie figured out she has a crush on her, but this is gonna b real slow. in a few chapters, i'm gonna make them go to a ball. and then a bit on reia's pov since we haven't heard anything from my girl marilyn.

fifth year is gonna be a mix of feelings and yuh. i can't wait to ruin them ahh

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