007. your procelain face

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(i wanna do marilyns pov but i don't want to at the same time. oh well.)

september 12th 1976
slytherin dungeons - potions classroom
9:45 am

it was the middle of potions class, they were all brewing a poly juice potion. slug horn was talking animatedly to one of the students, trying to get them to come to his halloween party.

roxy and reia were potions partners. reia did the cutting, roxy did the mixing. they were just about to finish their potion, but they needed to wait a few more minutes for it to complete. it was a very hard thing to make; if they let it simmer for even a second for then 5 minutes, the whole thing would blow.

no matter how hard Cassie tried to focus on the potion, she found that she was distracted by marilyn, who was now lost in thought. she had her chin resting on the palm of her hand. reia's hair was tied up with a small braid, and she had her flower crown on top of it. her porcelain skin was glowing. she chewed on her bottom lip, and cass was mesmerised. so much, that she didn't even notice her potion turning an ugly green colour.

"cass?" marilyn turned towards her, "oh, cass! the potion -"

(a/n, look i know this is impossible, what's about to come next, but bear with me.)

the potion exploded all over them, in their mouth, clothes, hair, and just about everywhere else. "deary me," slughorns usual jovian voice was now hard and had an annoyed sound to it. "10 points from slytherin and ravenclaw. detention with me after classes."

by now, everyone was staring at them, stifling their laughter. reia could feel her skin start to bubble, her hair getting shorter, and her whole body changing. what was happening? apparently, she wasn't the only one transforming. roxy and the pair behind them were both converting into different people.

polyjuice potion

when she turned to her right, she came face to face with herself- no, it was roxy who looked like her. marilyn looked at her hair, it was dark brown, and she had seemed to have gotten taller. "professor? what's happened to us?"

the people behind them were glaring dangerously, they had been hit by the potion, and began swapping looks with the person closest to them. "what exactly have you done to your potion?"

"well, i could sense some nargles, maybe they did something." reia added, still shocked.

slughorn tutted, "it's going to take a few days for me to create a cure." everyone who had been transformed stared at him, mouths dangling.

"good going, black." one of them sneered as they passed by. the bell had rung.


september 12th 1976
hogwarts - charms corridor, heading towards the great hall

marilyn and cassiopeia had decided they were going to switch for the whole day. secretly, marilyn was excited. she wanted to see what it was like with her best friends body and life. she had been around roxy for a while, so she thought she knew how she acted.

"hey, black!" a boys voice called out. "wait for me!"


reia mentally face palmed. she forgot that she'd have to deal with the other slytherins. why was roxy even friends with this git?

"oh, hello, snape." she forced a smile. "what do you want?"

"are you heading to lunch?" he started, "i was thinking that we could sit together."

no. a voice in her head said.

what if she's dating him? she wouldn't want to be the reason that roxy had lost a boyfriend - no matter how slimy and ugly he may be.


"great," he smiled. he actually smiled. marilyn tried not to laugh at him. he was trying so hard. "hey, uh, do you.. willyougotohogsmeadewithme?"

"what?" she asked, horrified.

"will you go to hogsmeade with me? please?"

reia was tempted to just slap him and run away, but she was still terrified of him. everyone knew how much hexes the guy had under his sleeve. (a/n, not the only thing under his sleeve lmao) "let me check my schedule." she started walking faster, pretending to think. "whoops, it looks like i'm busy this week."

he furrowed his brows, "well, how about next week?" merlin, she mentally rolled his eyes, this guy needs to take a hint!

"it seems i'm busy for the rest of the year, and the years after that," she smirked. "maybe you could try talking to bulstrode. i hear she eats greasy gits like you for breakfast."

she ran to the great hall, glancing one last time at snape's incredulous look. serves him right.

september 12th 1976
outside the ravenclaw common room

"what room can you eat?" the eagle knocker asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"let me in, you stupid knob," she practically yelled. "do you know how i am? i am cassiopeia black! from the noble and most -."

"ancient house of black," it continued, "yes, you've told me."

cassie had been stuck there for 30 minutes. why did the riddle have to be so hard? "could i have a new riddle?"

"what has an eye, but cannot see."

"someone blind?" the door would not open. "eye of a storm? davey gudgeon?"

"oi!" someone yelled, "i heard that!"

crap, she thought, just my luck. of course davey gudgeon had to be there.

"but you didn't see it! now let me in!" merlin, she was glad she wasn't a ravenclaw, she would have to camp outside the door every night.

"well, not after that," davey huffed. he opened the door slightly, and slammed it shut again.

"oh, come on!"

"stupid, bloody ravenclaw and it's stupid, bloody riddles." she muttered darkly, walking away.

what a hassle.


this is part one of the switch.

also, if you don't know, davey gudgeon was permanently blinded because he tried to touch the whomping willow.

this is home; r.a.bМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя