009. this monster

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(for arc 2, i'm still deciding whether to call it 'hug all ur friends,' it's another cavetown song, or, 'when she sees me'.)

september 16th, 1976
hogwarts - fifth floor corridor
5:12 pm

"oi! loony," black called out. potter and the other guys were behind him, watching with careful eyes. "half-wit! wait up!"

marilyn continued skipping, humming happily to herself. be brave, cassiopeia's words echoed in her head, you have to stand up to them. you can be brave.

"ignoring us?" potter asked. "c'mon, lovegood, you're no fun."

i'm fun in the sheets, a voice whispered in her head. she tried not to laugh. she was spending to much time with cassie.

"why's she smiling like that?" pettigrew asked nervously, looking to potter. "are you sure she's not contagious?"

lupin was staring at them in annoyance. "knock it off, guys," he muttered, pulling sirius back by the collar. "she's not worth it."

reia liked remus. although he couldn't never full get them to stop, atleast he made an effort. she thought about when they were younger. before, remus would get called 'loony lupin' by peeves. it caught on, eventually, having only blown off last year when the marauders turned the attention to marilyn.

potter and black thought about it for a second, then ignored him. "get a load of this monster." he poked at her forehead.

as if on cue, cass came walking down to them; her head held high and her steps light and graceful.

"she doesn't know how to communicate," potter added.

"oi! potter! don't tell me you guys are annoying her again," she sighed, pinching her nose bridge. "fuck off, blood traitors."

lily evans came to them with furrowed brows, "black, potter, pettigrew, and remus! how many times have i told you to leave lovegood alone!" she turned towards lupin, "and you! you're supposed to be the responsible one. hell, you're a prefect!"

"mind your own business, mudblood." she leered, "my friend, not yours."

sirius looked just about to murder her, and james had this killer look in his eyes. "bloody slytherin," he muttered, james sending a hex her way. she dodged just in time. seeker reflexes.

she took her own wand out. "four against one? how brave of you."

peter shot something at her, "you rat!" she yelled. she was starting to lose her temper. couldn't these guys just go away? "incarcerous" roxy flicked her wand. immediately, thick ropes wrapped around peters fat body. "one down, 3 to go."

evans and marilyn were both on the sidelines, watching with reproachful eyes. evans started to make her was towards the boys, "this is going too far -."

she was cut off by a sudden jolt of light. "oi! don't curse lily-flower!" potter, ever so brave, dragged her behind him, protecting her body with his.

"levicorpus!" sirius started floating upside down in the air. thanks snape, she thought, that's like the one useful thing you've taught me.

"put him down!" they had attracted quite an audience now. more then 30 people were crowded around them, watching with amusement as sirius spun around in mid air, and how james kept trying to bring him down.

remus had already left the fight, instead choosing to stay on the sidelines. he wouldn't curse sirius' little sister; he knew sirius wouldn't either, he hasn't casted a single spell.

"as you wish," with a wave of her wand, sirius fell into a crumpled heap on the floor. it was only james left. lily had gone to get a teacher.

"oh you'll pay for that," oh, how james wanted to punch her face in. he wouldn't do that to a girl, though - especially not sirius' little sister. all of the hexes that he casted were small tickling spells.


they were all in detention now, sulking that they got caught. they were all locked in a room together, forced to 'sort out their differences'. the room door wouldn't open no matter what they did. they tried throwing potter out of the window- to unlock it from the other side - but that only made mcgonagall barge in and lock the windows aswell.

they were all sitting in different corners of the room. reia and roxy in one, marauders in the other. cassie felt immens guilt for calling evans a mudblood.

she remembered the first time she had ever said that disgusting word. second year to a hufflepuff who ran into her. it was supposed to make you feel powerful, make them fear you. it was supposed to make them fell dirty, but all it did was make her feel like the dirty one instead.

cassiopeia had ran to the toilets after that, throwing up in one of the stalls. she wanted to flush away everything; the things she was taught, her family- hell, even flush away herself. she wanted to be rid of the disgusting views she learnt before she could even crawl.

be like sirius, she reminded herself every day, be brave.

although, it never seemed to work. cassie would always chicken out, take the easy way free.

roxy and marilyn sat in silence for most of their time. they didn't need to talk much, the just liked the presence of eachother.

instead, she let herself be overcome by daydreams. daydreams of what it would be like if it was allowed.

small rant, skip if you want

k i feel like the first part of the chapter was overly dramatic but o well. here's some insight to cass' trauma? idk if it really is.

also, i went to a birthday party dinner or wtver, and someone asked if i had a bf yet. like- do i look like i like boys? damn that's embarrassing

anytways i really wanted to make this a james potter x fem! regulus black but i didn't really wanna make it straight. it bugs me when people make a gay ship straight

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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