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I didn't sleep at home that night, like so often I slept at the Blossom's. Cheryl told me on the way to school what happened at the meeting yesterday. Which led to me sitting in the student lounge with the Scooby-Doo gang and Cheryl at the beginning of the break.

"Polly's convinced herself that no one wants her baby." Betty explained to us. "Besides, of course, the child-snatching Blossom monsters. No offense, Cheryl." I chuckled about Kevin. "None taken." "So your Mom and Dad want Polly but not the baby and the Blossoms want the baby and not Polly. It's a true Gordian knot." Jughead added. "It's an impossible situation." "Betty, come on. An impossible situation is being invited to the Vanity Flair Oscar party and Elton John's Oscar party on the same night which happened to me one year. I know." She said the last sentence to Kevin. "This is merely an annoying situation. But luckily, I have been percolating on an idea, hellishly simple in its conception. What if my mom and I were to host a baby shower?" "Count us in." Cheryl said. "You want Polly to feel loved and supported. Right?" Veronica asked Betty. "Yeah, but ideally by her own parents." "Okay, so baby steps, girl. Get Polly and your parents in the same room, in a public setting where they can't fight and voila, let the healing begin." 

"Am I expected to come to this thing?" Jughead asked. "Of course. You're Betty's boyfriend, so." I nearly chocked on my coke, I didn't know that. "Oh, my god, you guys, relax. It's just a word that starts with the letter B. Betty, what do you say?" Before Betty could say anything, her mother came into the room. "Elizabeth Cooper." "Mom?" "I need you and you. Right now." she said while pointing at Betty and Veronica. They both followed her out. We waited in the room if they come back. When the doorbell rang, we all made our way to our classes. 

I survived the school day and made my way to the parking lot. Cheryl was waiting for me there in her car. She turned on the radio and drove towards the cinema. Today the sixth part of Harry Potter ran in Bijou. We'd seen the movie twice before, but Cheryl and I are huge Harry Potter fans.

I threw the packaging from my popcorn in the bin while I waited for Cheryl to go to the loo. Together we made our way to her car while we talked about the movie.


It's the next day and Cheryl and I are getting changed for the baby party. The chauffeur was waiting for us in front of the house. While the chauffeur was putting the stroller in the car, Cheryl and I sat down in the car with her Mom. We got off at Pembrooke and entered the building. Taking the elevator to the right floor and entering the room. "We're here. No big deal. It's only the best stroller money can buy." Cheryl said as she pushed the stroller in front of her. Behind the two of us was Ms. Blossom who pushed Nana Blossom in. "So expensive." "All I ask in return is that you make me your baby's godmother. Kidding. So not kidding. Come on, Nana Rose, let's get you a good spot by the food." Cheryl pushed Nana while I walked next to her. 

With a plate of food in hand, I stood near the Scooby-Doo gang. Nana Rose was just reading the baby's gender with a chain. "Oh!" she said. "What? Is my baby okay?" Polly asked in a panic. "Babies. It's twins, one of each." 

After that Polly started unpacking the packages. Attention was drawn to Archie coming through the door. He ran straight to my brother, who happened to be right next to me. "You were protecting him. That's why you didn't tell me-" "Relax. What happened?" Jughead said. Betty came to them. "Did you know Jughead's father is a serpent?" He asked her. "No." Jughead looked down scared. "That's why he tried to stop me from going. So I wouldn't find out. After everything my dad has done for you-" "Archie. I can explain, okay?" "Not right now. This is Polly's day. So you two need to check yourselves. I mean it." Veronica said. "Archie." Jughead said. "No, save it." He said and then goes away with Veronica. Betty left too.

After Alice and Penelope had an argument, we drove back to Cheryl. There I took my clothes and put them on my motorcycle. I said goodbye to Cheryl and then drove home. I saw Betty and Jughead leaving the trailer park when I drove to the trailer. I parked my motorcycle and went inside. My dad was sitting on the sofa, there was a soccer game on but he was on the phone. I put my things in my room and put on sweatpants and a top. When I went from the bathroom to my room I saw Joaquin just leaving the trailer with a bag. Weird. Then I layed down in my bed and called Cheryl.

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