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We stood around the table on which the jacket was laying. The others wanted to ask me more questions, but I just ignored them so they gave up. 

"This meant to help FP?" Archie asked. "I don't know. Looks like more incriminating evidence to me." Kevin told us. "This just confirms that my dad torched Jason's getaway car." Jughead said. "And that his confession was true." added Kevin. I frowned, it have to help my dad otherwise he wouldn't have it as a backup plan. "Why would FP say Jason's varsity jacket is dangerous? What could that mean?" Betty asked us. 

Behind us the door opened and Veronica stepped in. "I can ask my father. He would know, considering we found concrete proof that he hired the Serpents to kill Jason. Which probably means that your dad pulled the trigger, Jughead. I'm sorry." It was quiet for a moment. "He is no killer, Veronica." I snapped. She looked shocked me, probably asking herself what I'm doing here. She frowned at which I rolled my eyes. "Kevin explain what I'm doing here." Kevin turned to Veronica and explained it to her. 

Betty shook her head. "No. No. No, I'm not giving up yet." She picked up the jacket and turned to Archie. "Put this on." She said to him. "What?" "Put this on." She repeated. "Betty, this is weird." But he put the jacket and he looked just like Jason. She stood behind him and reached into the jacket pockets. "There's a hole in the pocket." She explained. "Now we're grasping at straws." Kevin said." "No I don't know about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my pocket, I always lose my ChapStick in the lining. "" Or my Montblanc. "" Or your lighter. "I added. "Hold on." She fiddled with the jacket and then pulled out a USB stick. "What the hell?" Veronica said. Kevin scoffed. "Nancy Drew strikes again." 

We all sat on the sofa. Betty put the USB stick in the computer and clicked on the file. It was a video. Jason was tied up in a chair when Clifford Blossom walked in. He took the ring out of his shirt pocket. And then Clifford Blossom shot his own son between the eyes. We sat there in shock. Tears ran down my face. Betty picked up her cell phone and called someone. "Betty?" Jughead asked her. "Betty, who are you calling?" Archie asked. "You have to get out often that house. Listen to me." Betty said to the person on the phone. I understood who it was, Cheryl. 

We gave the stick to Ms. Cooper who then took it to Mr.Keller and Mayor McCoy. That night we also found out why my dad had confessed to the murder. Clifford Blossom threatened him. Unfortunately, everything wasn't all right again, my dad would still be brought before the judge for tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice, mishandling a body, perjury, and that was just the top. After that, each of us made our way home.


I didn't go to school the next day either, I didn't know how to explain all of this. At the evening I got a call, from a woman who told me that she is my case worker and that I should please come to Andrew's household because she is waiting for my brother there. I drove my motorcycle to the Andrews house. Inside I heard the voices of Mr Andrews and the case worker. "What do you mean, Jughead and his sister." "Jughead did-" Before she could finish, I rang the doorbell. The door opened and a woman stood there. "Are you Ms. Jones?" she asked politely. I nodded and gave her my hand. "That's right. My last name is Miller at the moment, but I will probably change that again. And who are you?" She shook my hand. "My name is Miss Weiss from social servic. Please come in." I walked into the house and saw Mr Andrews standing at the kitchen table. I leaned against the door frame and looked at the floor. Mr Andrews and Ms. Weiss talked while I look around the kitchen. 

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