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"I dont want to do that anymore!", I screamed. My legs were hurting so much I thought I would die every moment. I didnt know where I was, everything was so surreal. It was always like this, but today I couldnt stand it anymore. "What are you saying right now?", the guy in front of me yelled and slapped me again. I fell on the ground and this time I couldnt stand up again. He came down to me and held my face with his right hand. " I dont want you to leave that. And you need to do what your master days to you." He smiled and in his eye was that something. They sparkled and even in these circumstances it was was so pretty. I wanted to lose myself in these eyes, I wanted to hold him, but I knew I couldnt. That would forever be a fantasy, a dream I could never reach.

He let go of me, gently. He looked down to me like I was a little kid. I was embarressed, but he didnt care about that back than.

"You will be be at another school soon, I heard they bully you." He didnt look at me at all. How did he knew that? Like he can read my mind he replied:"I just... got to see it." Like that he walked away.


Sry that it is so short and sorry for my broken english. I hope you were able to understand everything, and if you see something I wrote wrong or is grammatically wrong, feel free to correct me. ^.^

By the way, Im 13 years old so dont expect me to write something epic xD And when Im writing Im sitting there with my dictionary, looking up on everything I write ;D

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