Chapter Three: YoungJi II

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After a while I stood up again. I needed to go to my class, even if I already had trouble. What will my classmates do if they see me like this? I didnt even want to imagine it. In my last school they came to me and asked me who it was and why he did it. And they said they would help me, would always stay by my side, would slap that guy a thousend times harder than he slapped me. But afterall they did nothing. Thats how school is. I slowly walked, when it suddenly started raining. I ran to the next store that I saw and stood under the awning. The wind started to get really hard and I needed to hold my skirt, otherways everyone would have seen my "beautiful" underwear. I looked around a little bit. Everyone ran around, looking for something to stand under or running back to their cars. I looked at the building behind me. It was a supermarked, not really big. Maby I could get an umbrella there! "Oh, YoungJi?", I heard someone say. I turned around and looked in the eyes of Taecyeon. He was really close to me, which made me really uncomfortable. Just like he could read my mind he went a little bit to the side. "Why arent you at school?", I asked him after a while. "Why dont you look at your watch? School is finished." I winced: "Really? No!" I started running, but then I reminded that it was raining, so I got back under the canopy. I heard a laugher and turned around to Taecyeon: "Is it so funny? Why are you laughing?" ~ "Its just that you are really cute, do you know that?" Then he walked away. What was with this guy? This is our first day meeting and he tells me already that I am cute or something?

At home I made me some Ramyeon and sat at the outside, on my tiny balcony. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the display and it showed the numer of my dad. ~ "Hello? What is it, Dad?" I weird sound came from the other side. It was like a mixture of laughing and crying. "What is it, Dad?", I said again in a little louder voice. It has always been like this. "I saw her again, YoungJi. She was right beside me!" He talked about her again. My mom. "Oh really, Dad? Im jealous of you. She havent come to me these days." Then I hung up. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks and my finger held the phone tightly. "How can you see her?! She is dead, why can you not understand that, Dad?", I screamed out in the sky, "Why? Why can you see her, Dad? When she isnt even there!"

My life is really not easy, isnt it? But Im strong. Again. And it feels so wrong, why can I not live as happy as everyone else, why can I not just care about my hair, my school grades? No, I have to care about everything else, my mom, my dad and after that I also have to care about myself. But that is the hardest part of all. Because I dont know if I can be happy if all of this doesnt find an end. But Im standing up. Again. Because I can do this! Because Im Ho Young Ji! But its still hard and I just keep enduring it, so I can have a nice life later on.


Sry that I needed so long for this chapter. the ideas just werent coming to me until tonight xD. But I promise that i will write more from now on. I have holidays right now so I can stop thinking about school for 2 weeks, so propably more ideas will come to me now hehe.

Anyways, Goodnight 진구 ♥♥♥

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