Chapter One: YoungJi

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It was really cold outside and the new school uniform wasnt that warm. Maby I was just excited for the new school? It was not the first time I transfered to another school, but this time I was double scared. Because it was the same school my master attended. Jackson. My heart jumped just thinking about that I was going to see him everyday. And he wouldnt dare to slap me in the school.

My phone rang and I took it out of my pocket fast. It was him. With trembling fingers I took the call: "Hello.", i said. "Where are you?", his voice sounds annoyed. "On my way to the school?", i stuttered. I heard him laugh. "Why didnt you wait for me?"
When you dont tell me....

"Anyways, a good first day in school.", he cheered me up. He sounds so unfamiliar, like he is in a good mood. My heart was beating really fast when he spoke again: "Cant you say thank you? I was so friendly!"

"Huh? Sorry, Jackson. Thank you for cheering me up" I tried to sound as happy as him, but I failed. After a while he hung up. I started to walk again, my fingers were trembling so much, I almost dropped my phone. I sighed and looked at my watch.

Aish! I will get late...

I started running and came to my new school 5 minutes later. Its near to my home, so I dont need to take a bus or something. I like the area where I live, there are playgrounds with many little kids which give it a lively feeling living there. There is also a little park, where I have good and bad memories . Good, because I always was there with my sister and we played until we needed to sleep.

Bad, because its the place where Jackson bullies me. I sigh again thinking about that.

I quickly run into the huge building and search for the class I need to be at right now. It was just before class started so everything was crouded. I couldnt really see where I am and where I need to go. After a while where I just stood there having no clue what I should do next, someone behind me asked: "Can I help you with something?" I turned around and looked at the face of the guy. He was really beautiful, that was all I thaught at that moment. "Are you new? I never saw you here!", he asked me friendly. "Uhm, yes. Im YoungJi", I introduced myself and bowed. He bowed too and said:" Im Taecyeon. So what do you need?" I showed him where I wanted to go and he laughed:" Cool, why do you ask me when you are standing in front of it?" I looked at the room and laughed myself.
This is so embarressing!

"Thank you Taecyeon! Then I will go first." I bowed again and turned to the door. I knocked and opened the door after the teacher told me to come in. She smiled when she saw me and I bowed to her: "Hello. Im YoungJi."

"Nice to meet you. Im your hometeacher Ms. Kim." She looked behind me and saw Taecyeon. "Oh, you are here too?" He bowed to her:" I showed her thr way here. Sorry that Im late." He looked at me and the fastly walked to his spot.

"This is your new schoolmate YoungJi. Be friendly to her." She showed me the place where I should sit and I walked there with my head down. I hate it when so many people look at me.

When I sat down and took out the books I needed I looked in the class. And there was a person I was really familiar with. He looked at me with a smile and waved a little bit. I was so startled that I almost screamed. The guy beside Jackson asked him sometging so he turned around to him. I couldnt get myself away from him.
So he is in the same class as me?

"Do you know him?", someone beside me asked. I turned my head to her and nodded. She looked at me like I said I was Bratt Pitt or an alien from another universe. "Are you serious?" After a short time I nodded again. She looked at me a little longer then she looked at the front again. I was still clueless and really irritated, so it was hard for me to pay attention to the class again.


I closed my book and sighed.
Finally... Its over! Im so hungry...

I got out of class fast so that the teacher woulndt hold me back to ask me something. Its always like that, why do teachers care so much about my parents, where I live, if I have any part time jobs. I learned through the years that this is themost boring thing with transferring.

I followed everyone in the cafeteria and got in the line for getting the food. I looked around and surched for a place to sit but everything was full. When I got my food I looked around the seconf time but still there was no place to sit. And so I stood there like this morning before class started. But then someone waved to me and I quickly got there. "Hi Taecyeon." I sat down next to him and sighed: "Is it always so full?"

"Yup.", he shortly replied and ate again. I too started to eat because I was so hungry. But I kept searching for a specific person. Where is he? Doesnt he eat?

Ten minutes before lunch break was over Jackson walked in. It became all quiet and the line slowly made place for him to walk through. After be got something to eat some students stood up and walked to him. He greeted them and looked through the room. Everyone started to whisper. "Whats with him? Why is everyone so scared?", I ask Taecyeon. "First rule in this school: Never talk to him. And if he says something to you, you do it. Thats all you need to know about him." I looked at Jackson again. "So he is something like the head of the school?" Taecyeon didnt answer me. I sighed.
So hes not only like this to me?

I wasnt really shocked seeing him walk through the room and just randomly sit down anywhere, while everyone else on the table stands up and runs away. I started to eat again and couldnt hold back feeling so annoyed.

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