15. meeting

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[12.15 PM] Hyunjin's pov

I was at the coffee shop because my boss wanted to meet here

I sat behind a table and I did some work for my night shift but I saw in the corner of my eyes a man walking to me

"You must be Sam?" The man asked "yes I am" I said "I'm Jason and I'm the boss of the cam site" he said "oh uh nice to meet you" I said and we shaked the hands "nice to meet you too" he said "you can sit there if you want" I said "thank you" he said and he sat down

I closed my laptop and we started talking

[12.30 PM]

"So Sam, you are the most streamed boy on the site" he said "I saw it, I couldn't even believe it" I said "can I ask you some questions?" He asked "yeah sure" I said and he got some paper and pen out his suitcase

"Your real name is?" He asked "Hyunjin" I said "oh nice name Hyunjin, can I call you by your real name?" He asked "yeah ofcourse" I said "okay... so what's your age?" He asked "I'm 19" I said "oh really? you look younger" he said "I hear that a lot" I said

"Are you in a relationship?" He asked "nope" I said "okay and do you have another job" he said "no" I lied "that's good to hear because you can't tell anyone okay?" He said, I nodded

[17.00 PM]

Jason and I had a good conversation but it was time to say goodbye and maybe a other time

"So goodbye Jason and maybe I see you another time" I said and I stood up "yeah sure and goodbye Hyunjin" he said we shaked our hands and I walked to the exit


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