22. Why?

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Chan's pov

"Your boss?" I asked as my eyebrows furrowed


"Why did your boss attack you?" I asked and I looked to Mrs. Kang

"I'll let you talk, If you need me I'm downstairs" she said and left the room

"Because I broke a promise" Hyunjin said

"What kind of job do you then?" I asked

"Chan...I'm a cam boy, I'm sammiebabyboy69" Hyunjin said quietly said and he looked down

"Y-you're a cam boy" I said

Hyunjin nodded

"But why? If you don't me asking" I asked

"I wanted to pay my bills, electricity, water and gas and for my dog, to buy food and toys for him

I've tried to get a side job but for the most I didn't have the digrees for it and I didn't finish school

So doing sexual things on cam sells" He explained

Then it was for a few seconds quiet

I picked up the bowl from the nightstand and I grabbed the cloth that was beside it

I wet the cloth and went with my hand to head

"Say it if it hurts" I said and I looked to  Him

He nodded

I petted his head wet

I could see that He was damaged by that guy, why did I stop? Why didn't I go further?

"Chan?" He suddenly said

"Yes Hyunjin?" I said and I placed the cloth back in the bowl and put it back on the nightstand

"Why did you save me?" He asked

"What's that for a question? Why wouldn't I save you" I asked a bit shocked

"I mean I lied to you Chan, I  am a webcam whore" he said

"Don't say that Hyunjin!" I

"But it's true Chan, I did inappropriate things on cam for money"

I closed my eyes

"Chan, you know it.. just admit it"

I sighed

"You could leave me there with that guy"

"Why Chan?"

I opened my eyes and I was done with his complaints

So I leaned to him....

I shut him with a kiss

Hyunjin was stunned

Few seconds later

I pulled away

I could see on his face that he was surprised

"Because I fucking love you Hyunjin!" I let out


Okay sorry this part sucks, next part going to be better

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