21. Your boss?

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[06.00 pm] Hyunjin's pov

I came home after a long day on school

"I'm home!" I shouted

I didn't get any response

"No response?" I thought and I went to the living room

I saw my mom and dad sitting on couch

My mom looked kind of sad, she had her right hand on her head and my dad sat beside her with a arm around her shoulders

"Why Hyunjin?" I heard them whispering

"Mum? Dad? What's wrong?" I asked worried

Then my dad looked to me, I could see on his facial expressions he was mad but I didn't know why

"Is this a kind of joke, Hyunjin?" He asked

"I don't understand dad, what do you mean?" I asked

He came to me with a


"This do I mean" he said and he showed me the screen

My eyes widened and I let out a tiny gasped

I saw my cam profile

"Dad, this is not what looks like" I tried to explain

My dad scoffed

"Do you really think I believe you? You shamed our family with this inappropriate thing" he said coldly

I didn't even know what to feel at this moment

"I have already packed your suitcase, we are going to kick you out of the house, you can take Kkami with you" he said and gave me mine suitcase

"Dad...I..I" I stuttered

He didn't listen, he grabbed the leash of Kkami and clipped it

"Please leave, we don't want to see you anymore" he said

I sighed

I went to the front door

"But don't come back to me when you need me" I said coldly and closed the door


"No!" I screamed and woke up from a bad dream but then...

I realized this is not my bed nor my room

"Where am I?" I asked myself and looked around

Suddenly the bedroom door got opened

I saw a middle aged woman coming around the 50 - 60 years

"Oh hello, you're already awake" the woman said

"I'm Mr. Bang's housemaid, Mrs. Kang" she said softly

"And you must be Hyunjin, I am right?" She asked

I nodded

"How did I come here, and why does my head hurts?" I asked

"Well you got in bad situation and basically mr. Bang saved you" she said

She poured some water in a bowl and she came to me

"He really did?" I asked

"Mhm" she hummed and she sat down on the bed and she placed a cloth in the water

And she came with her hand to my head and patted my head a little bit wet

"You slept for three hours, Mr. Bang even waited for you to wake up and he oversaw you" she said

"Did he really did that for me?" I asked

"Yes sweetie" she smiled

She got up and went to the door

"I'll get mr. Bang for you" she said and she went out the room

Chan's pov

I was going up the stairs to check on Hyunjin

But I saw Mrs. Kang coming

"Chan, he's awake" she said

I followed her to room where Hyunjin was

There he was

Sitting right up against the headboard, just staring

When he looked up he saw me

"Chan" he said

"Hey Hyunjin" I said and went to the bed and I sat down

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Still a bit dizzy, small headache" he said

"Did he already took the medication Mrs.Kang?" I asked

She nodded

Then was a few minutes quiet

"So Hyunjin" I broke the silence and he looked up

"Who was that man?" I asked

Hyunjin looked away

"Hyunjin" I asked and I grabbed his hand, rubbed it gently

He took his hand back and I sighed

"He's my boss" he said and looked down

"Your boss?"


Cliffhanger 🤭

Sorry for mistakes!

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