33. work day

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[09.00 AM] Hyunjin's pov

"I can walk from here" I said while Chan nearing the company

"Why do you want to walk if I can bring you with the car?" He asked and he stopped the car in front of the entrance

"I see you inside" I said and I wanted to open the door

"Can't I get a kiss?" He asked

"What if people might see us more as your secretary?" I asked a bit nervous

"Well fuck them as long we are happy we don't have to care" he said

"Okay, you're right" I said

"So can I get my kiss" he smiled and I pecked him on his lips and I got out of his car

But suddenly I felt smack on my ass

I turned around and I saw Chan winking, I turned red

"I see you inside" he said

I closed the door and Chan drove away

I went inside the building, greeting people and why were some of them staring at me

But like chan said don't give a fuck about them

So I went to elevator and waited there for a few seconds

In meantime I already was checking Chan's schedule for today. Few a meetings


The elevator opened and I went inside of it and pressed on the 10th button and the doors closed and the elevator went up

When I arrived the 10th floor. I went to my desk to place my bag down and took out my stuff, my laptop, a water bottle, my earphones

I placed my bag on the ground and I went to sit behind my desk and I opened my laptop and I started working

In meantime I saw Chan entering the office with coffee and muffins

He greeted everyone and came to me

"Hey babe" He said and kissed my head

"Hey Channie" I said

"I bought a coffee and I hope you like muffins" he said and placed a coffee and a muffin down

"Thank you" I smiled

"My pleasure" he smiled back

"I see you at my office around 12 PM, is that okay?" He asked

"Yes ofcourse" I said and I nodded

"Good" he said and went to his office

[12.00 PM]

I stood by the printer to printed version of Chan's schedule for this week. To kill the time I was checking my phone if I got any notifications

But then a notification of my email came so I went to my email and I saw one mail that got my attention

From Jason(you still you know him?)

"What does he want now?" I thought and rolled my eyes

I opened the mail and read it

I scoffed

That man wants me back and if I came back he would make number one best streamer

I pressed on the trash can emoticon and I deleted the mail and I saw that Chan's schedule was printed to picked it up and I went to his office

I knocked on his door and I heard a come in

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