"Please...?" ~ Chapter 1 ~

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Deku walked into his classroom (he's in middle school rn) he had a sluggish look on his face when he first walked in. but when he looked down at the cards he was carrying with him his face quickly started changing into a smile. He ran up to the front of the classroom, where his teacher was sitting waiting for everyone to come into class. "Mr.Omeal?" He said as he tapped his teacher's shoulder (Idk what his middle school's teacher's name was if u do know plz tell me) "Hmm? what is it Izuku." His teacher said with a stern voice. "W-Well tomorrow is my birthday s-so I was wondering if I could pass these out...!" Deku said beaming as he held up the cards for the teacher to see. "yeah yeah, fine whatever." His teacher said nodding forward. 

"Thank you, sir!" Izuku said before passing out the cards to everyone he invited. he invited everyone that hadn't directly bullied him and he also invited his crush...Katsuki Bakugo. ah, what a stuck-up jerk that guy was. But that never changed the way that Izuku felt towards Katsuki. Soon the rest of the classroom filled up. The students threw the cards into their backpacks when they walked in. Most figuring it was probably something the teacher gave them. 

"Alright shut up!" The teacher shouted, and the class went quiet. Then the teacher went on with the lesson for that day. "oh and Izuku I heard tomorrow was your birthday-" The teacher began to speak right before the bell would ring. "Ah, yes sir!" Izuku said happily. "Hope it sucks." The teacher whispered under his breath before the bell rang and all the students started to flood out of the classroom. All except 2... "OI DEKU! What do you think you're doing giving me this fucking letter huh?!" Katsuki yelled as he ran over to the greenette. "wah!! Kacchan! I just wanted to invite you to my birthday party that's a-all!" Izuku said as he backed away. "LIKE HELL I WOULD COME TO A PARTY WITH YOU!" Katsuki screamed as tiny explosions came out of his palms. "Mmm..." Deku made a tiny noise before he started crying and ran away. 

^After school, Katsuki's POV^ 

Dammit, why did Deku even invite me over... I bully him! And why is he so damn cute...?!

Katsuki thought as he walked back home. *Sigh* "Izuku will never love me...and I will never be worth it either..." He muffled out his words as he continued to walk back to his home. 

*The next day Izuku POV btw it's the party time* 

He waited hours for the people to show up.. but they never did. this made Deku cry for hours alone in his room. He then decided to take a walk so as he took a walk he sang this song to himself. meaning every word he sang... (One of my fav songs too btw) 

*Katsuki POV* 

I walked to Izuku's house for the party... I stared at the door for a good 5 minutes and then I walked away, I just couldn't do it... 

^This happened every year on Deku's birthday, from 6th grade all the way up to 8th grade.. after he got into UA he didn't even want to have a birthday anymore^ 

A/N Welp! Thats all for this chapter! -Lmao when I was typing this I literally typed, 'well that's all for this story' XD-I hope this chapter wasn't all that boring...And in case you didn't read the desc. this was a story idea suggested by    

 @Bakugous_gay_panic ! 

so ty for this idea!! 

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