"Oh, do you now?~"~ Chapter 7

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A/N: I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRRRRYYY that I haven't posted- (um i just heard either a gunshot or thunder... I think a gunshot...it was so loud and REALLY close! pray for me please-) I've just haven't been very motivated and I really don't know what to write to continue it! so I am sorry, and I will try to finish these books soon! 

Izuku POV: 

I walked out of the room after texting Ura, telling her that I did like Kacchan. smart of me, right? Anyways, I saw THE KACCHAN walking away from Ura's room, on his way back to the common room. AGH I hope he didn't get suspicious that I also liked him back! This needs to be torture for him! No, not torture more like payback for middle school. What??? I gotta have some fun too!!!

I was actually quite nervous that he would completely give up on me because he thought I didn't like him...oops- that wasn't very smart of me after all! Dangit! I really thought I was being smart, but I guess not...- That's when I got THE MOST BRILLANT IDEA EVER! I would just hint at the fact that I liked him! That way, I could see just how dense he is, and see him embarrassed! 

so, I quickly, yet quietly, I followed kacchan back to his dorm. When he closed his door, I knocked on it. He hesitantly opened it back up again. "What the fuck are you doing here you stupid nerd?!" He yelled at me as he stepped back into his dorm, allowing me to come in. 

"O-Oh well, y-you see I just had something to tell you..." I nervously stuttered, on purpose. "Yea, yeah ok whatever," Kacchan answered me. "But first...Your hand looks heavy can I hold it for you?.." I asked as I extended my hand for him to place his in. "Wtf..-" He said harshly as he blushed like crazy. "lol he's so cute!" I thought as I grabbed his hand and led him over to his bed.

"OK, NOW WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NERD?!" he yelled at me as he sat down, still holding my hand though. "Now, I need to ask you something important, ok?" I said as I looked at him hesitantly. "Tch, 'kay whatever nerd." He responded, still blushing intensely. 

"Are you the sun? Because you're so beautiful it's blinding me..!" I said shyly as I looked straight into his pretty red eyes. "...." He hesitated, with his mouth slightly hanging open, while blushing REALLY hard. Then he finally answered, and managed to look angry again. "WTF NERD! ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH ME?!" I laughed slightly, before continuing, with a sound of worriedness in my voice this time. "Your Lips Look Lonely Would They Like To Meet Mine?" he looked at me, 

completely shocked. by now his entire face was red. this time instead of responding he just turned away, probably trying to hide his blush. but I insisted on making this man confess to me. so I grabbed his shoulders and turned him back towards me, before lightly pecking his lips. 

"WOW, WHERE DID YOU GET SO MUCH CONFIDENCE IZUBABE?!" I heard a loud high pitched voice, it sounded like it was coming from the....WINDOW??!...it was Mina! she was standing outside the window, on the balcony, with Uraraka?! I got up and quickly closed the curtains.

"Deku, I-I um...I'm s-" I cut kacchan off before he could finish, and kissed him passionately. he moaned just a little bit, out of sudden pleasure. I wanted to see him needy though, so I licked his bottom lips, asking for entrance and he gave It to me! I placed my tongue in for a second, before pulling away from this short kiss. he wiped his lips and pouted silently. "I-I like you..." 

he said softly while looking away. "Oh, do you now?~" I whispered into his ear seductively. "Too bad~," I said again a few seconds later. Then I started leaving hickeys on his neck. I eventually found his sweet spot, and I attacked it! It was lovely to hear him moaning. "ahh~ Deku s-stop!"

"Do you really~ want me to?" I asked him. "yes." He answered..."Oh shit...what if he was playing a prank on me about liking me?! Why didn't I think of that before?!" I thought as I quickly pulled away. "O-Oh! Sorry, I should've considered your fee-" I was cut off by his hot lips connecting with mine.

"Oh, he just wanted to be top..." I thought as I mentally pouted. He licked my lips while I was thinking so I guess I didn't really notice. so instead he stuck his hand DOWN MY BOXERS and I gasped, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. you would think that he would take his hand out afterward, BUT HE DIDN'T! he played with my...thing...while we kissed!

I was moaning so loudly! I felt embarrassed...When he was finally done kissing me he took his hand out of my boxers. "You feel pretty big~ wanna do something?" He asked me seductively. "K-Kacchan! We're only 17!!" I spat out while blushing really hard now. "Eh, close enough" 

"N-No! not close enough!" I said as I tried to scurry away. "Oh, c'mon do you really hate me that much?" He asked as he grabbed a hold of me and swung me over his shoulder. To be honest I did really want to do...that....but I didn't want to do it right away! We weren't even official yet! 

"Kacchan! Don't do this please!" I pleaded. "Relax! I'm just taking you to your own dorm while I go get some food, you big doofus." He said. I was very surprised, to say the least. "O-Oh ok.." I answered him as we reached my dorm. He put me down and I opened my door. "Kay I'm gonna get some popcorn, brb," He said as he turned to walk away. 

I laid down on my bed and waited for him, I slowly started to fall asleep after waiting a little while, but when I woke back up kacchan was cuddling me and holding the TV remote, I saw him pick a movie on the T.V that rolled out from under my bed. He was looking down at me, probably about to 'wake me up'. "Hey, d-Izu I picked out a movie for us" "Just call me Deku, it's fine!"

I answered him. "What movie did you pick?" "50 shades of grey," He said and I started blushing like crazy. I didn't want to watch a kinky romantic movie with KACCHAN! That would be so embarrassing! But we watched it anyway...and halfway in I fell asleep. 

Baku POV:

When the movie was over I awoke my angel, who somehow knew I liked him but never said anything. When his eyes fluttered open, I kissed him, using my tongue. It was quick though, because as soon as I pulled away I asked him one of the most important questions ever! 

"Deku, will you please be my bf?" 

"Kacchan, ofc I will" He said sleepily as he smiled the best he could. I kissed him again, and again and again. I was just too happy! "Deku, I promise you, next year...we're giving you the birthday party that was once forgotten..." 


I tried.......but~ if you want me to, I can possibly add another chapter with smut!~~~ :D 

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