"Hah?" Chapter ~ 3

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Bakugo POV: 

I walked up to my room, I saw Deku's room on the way to mine, his door was still slightly open, I peeked my eyes to see what he was doing. I saw him on his bed in a ball crying to himself and saying stuff like, "You're such a pussy! A coward a baby, nobody will ever really care for you!" This made me really sad and angry at the same time...was he saying this stuff because of me?

"Ofc it's because of you! he's perfect so it's not his fault!" I thought to myself as I quickly went to my room. I threw myself onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling in sorrow. "Ugh...what the hell could I possibly do to get him to like me...?!" I thought to myself as I sat up and stuffed the pillow into my face. "Nothing...nothing can make that cute little cinnamon roll love me!" I sighed. 

"But... the least I could do Is try to help him! Right...?" I questioned myself. 'right because if I don't life will only get harder for me without having him with me...!' I thought as I began to crawl out of bed. I walked down the hallway to the nerds room and then opened his door slightly. "Hey deku are you ok...?" I asked trying to sound as nice as I could, but it wasn't easy.

Deku looked up at me, and I saw his eyes were puffy and his face was so red! It really took away from his cuteness, which made me even more sad. I thought maybe joking around with him would help, "*Chuckles slightly* Oh Deku, what will I do with you eh? You and your crazy tears! Precious though..." I said. I don't what got a hold of my tongue but it was like I had always wanted to say everything I just said...but I don't know why! He smiles slightly...I guess I did good.

"K-Kacchan what are you doing here...?" Izuku said as his smile quickly faded away. "I-I just wanted to help you-! I mean you were crying when I passed by before...I just wanted to ask was this all my fault...?" shit...I stuttered some! "No, no Katsuki! That's not a big deal I just...I have to succeed!" I thought as I stared at Izuku blankly after talking. (try reading all of the above that's in bold and you will see what Katsuki is really always thinking) 

"K-Kacchan...? Are you alright?" I

zuku asked me, with worry and concern on his face. "No. Stop thinking about me! Think about yourself! Are you fine?!" I shot back at him as I started to make my way to his bed. "Y-Yeah of course I am Kacchan! You can go now! I don't w-want to be a b-bo-bother!" Izuku said through a now clearly fake smile. "Tch. Ok whatever then nerd." Was all I could spit out before I left and slammed his door. "Damnit! Why'd I do that?! I was soooo close to apologizing, and maybe even um...confessing...!" I thought as I finally sat back down on my bed.

"I really am a pussy..." I said aloud as I stared up at the ceiling. "No you're not!" I heard a soft voice say. "hah?" I looked around the room, and there he was, Deku. standing there in front of me! He looked like an angel...he had on a white gown, and halo and he had angel wings. "Deku...?" I sputtered as I looked up at him in awe. "No, not quite! I'm not real...but those are the words the real izuku would want you to hear, even if you don't want to hear them from him...!"

The 'imaginary' Izuku said to me. "W-Wait deku! I-I'm sorry for what I did to you, and, I l-Lo-love you!" I spat out those words and looked up at him longenly. But his response was one I would have never ever expected! He chuckled lightly, "That's good to hear Katsuki, but I'm not real, so you need to tell the real Izuku that!" He said lightly as he hugged me. "U-Uh ok..." I responded. 

right after that he disappeared.... 

A/N I know that it's short! I'm sorry! But I'm going to start posting shorter chapters, and hopefully be able to post more! Sorry if you don't like that! I will ofc every once in a while post a longer chapter if I have a longer idea but for now this is what ima do! ^u^ 

(and ty for all the views on this book and the other one i rlly appreciate it! even tho my stories aren't even that great-) 

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