"Pffft" ~ Chapter 6

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Izuku POV: 

*The next day* 

When I woke up, I got out of bed and got ready like usual....it was a Monday which means...school. But when I was done getting ready I crept over to Kacchan's room to see if he was up yet, and to my surprise he wasn't even there! Did he go jogging or something...? 

To check if I was right I grabbed a coat and went outside to see if he was anywhere in sight. And there he was, walking with Kirishima back to UA. I decided to hide behind a bush and try to listen to their conversation as they walked back up. 

"Sooo Bakubro? You want my help with Midobro right...?" Kirishima's voice rang out from infront of the bush I was standing behind. "HELL NO!.....—be....hmph....—k..." was all I could hear from Kacchan, that's because he was talking in a lower, quieter voice then normal. But I assume Kacchan said no...- 

*time skip brought to you by the time I've skipped writing this book-* 

Izuku POV:

I went Uraraka's dorm after I Kirishima and Kacchan went inside the dorm building again. "Hey Uraraka?" I called out when I fInAlLy reached her dorm room door. She quickly answered it, "Hey deku-kun! What's up?" She asked me. "Well, it's just that I found out Kacchan likes me and-" I was cut off by her quick assumption, "SO YOU AND BAKUGOU-SAN ARE DATING NOW?!" 

she squealed. "What?! No! You didn't let me finish!" I said as I pouted. "WHAT?! WHY NOT?! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED HIM?!" Uraraka screamed practically in horror again. "URA! NO! STOP ASSUMING THINGSS!" I yelled back to her. But I only said something false like that for 3 reasons,

1. I thought I heard someone walk away from Uraraka's door

2. I just realized jirou could be listening in on us

3. To shut Uraraka up

Yea- I hope that if Jirou was listening in on us that she stopped now! 

"Ok, ok deku-kun! I'll stop interrupting you!" Uraraka sighed out. "Good." I answered her as I walked over to her desk chair, sat down and began to explain.

Bakubabes POV: 

I was walking back inside the dorms after having a stressful and embarrassing talk with shitty hair, and decided to stay in the common room for a while, then about 25 mins later that shitty nerd walked in too. He immediately headed to the ....girls... dorms. I know I know! I shouldn't have done this, but I followed him. ONLY because I wanted to make sure he didn't have a gf....!

"Hey Uraraka?" Deku said as he knocked on that stupid floaty bitch's dorm door. I couldn't hear what happened right after that, seeing as I wasn't that close to the door. But after deku was dragged into the dorm room I heard Round face yell something very embarrassing!


Was what she screamed, I didn't hear what deku said in response but I did hear her yell something else,


Then deku yelled back,


That shattered my heart, but all I could do was pretend to laugh quietly, Incase someone else was watching me, "pffft" was the noise that escaped my mouth right before I left to go to my own dorm again, with a broken heart this time though. "Ofc he doesn't like me!" I thought..

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