"O-Oh..." Chapter ~ 4

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Bakugo POV:

I woke up and I turned over to see, "Deku...?!" I saw Deku laying there next to me, he was so perfect but wait...no it wasn't the real Deku, it was the angel one that I saw last night. "Darn...I really thought the real Deku was here next to me with his cute face and hair- ok even if I like him I should stop before my thoughts go dirty and I start to think of his perfect ass....NO!" I shook myself. 

"K-Kacchan! Don't say things like that!" I looked over to see that the angel Izuku was flustered. "Aww, Deku you're so cute!" I don't even know what got ahold of me but I kissed the angel Deku, and he looked stunned. "Hey Deku, if this version of you likes me does the 'real version' of you like me?" I asked as I cradled Deku in my arms longing for him to tell me what I wanted to hear.

"Mmmm, Kacchan I don't that much! Like I said I'm just a fragment of your imagination but~ I'm sure you could find that out for yourself!~" The angel Deku cooed to me. "Ugh Deku, you're gonna get me hard! Go away please!" And after that, my imagination disappeared. That's when I heard a knock on my door. "Go away," I grunted as I started to climb out of my bed.  

"Hey, Bakubro! We need your help with keeping Midobro occupied while we set something special up for his birthday!" The familiar voice of shitty hair rang out, filling my senses with only his antagonizing voice. "Fuck off! I'm not helping the damn nerd." I growled as I looked through my closet for something to wear. "But dude! We wanna help him! He seemed so scared of his birthday! Don't you care even the slightest about him?" Shitty hair said as I opened up the door and started walking down to make myself breakfast. 

"You have no idea how much I do care for that nerd...But I don't really have a choice! He doesn't wanna see me! Fuck! I'm the reason that he's like this anyways..." I thought as I looked up at shitty hair angrily. "C'mon bro! Pleaseeee!" He started begging me to help the nerd. "Well, what the hell do I have to do?!" I screamed at him as we walked back down to the main room. 

"You just need to stay with him in his room or on the roof or something! We need you to distract him so we can plan everything and such and such!" Shitty hair said as he turned the stove on and gestured for me to start cooking. "Whatever. Fine." I said as I began to cook some eggs and pancakes for the nerd. "Yay! Thanks, Bakubro I knew you'd come around!" Shitty hair bounced up and down happily.  


As I walked to the cute lil nerd's room holding the platter with his food on it I noticed that the door was still open a bit from last night....Was that crying that I heard..?! "Deku? Can I come in?" I said harshly as I already began to shove the door open, to my surprise deku was naked in his bed. The sheets were over him so I didn't see all of him but a blush crept onto my face as I realized he was naked. I saw some blush on his too... but I mean wouldn't anyone blush in this situation? 

"Oops.." I said as I started running towards him and placed down the trey before quickly running out. I stood behind the door before telling him to get dressed. "O-Ok Kacchan..." he said I heard him ruffle for clothes in his closet. That's when I couldn't help it....I peeked into his room to see his perfect and thick ass move around as he slid on a shirt, then he slowly and quite seductively 

Put on boxers and pants. "Damn he could turn me on if he did that one more time.." I thought as I felt my face heat up. I then stopped peaking and asked, "are you done yet Deku?!" All tough like. "Y-Yeah Kacchan!" He spoke out as I heard him jump back onto his bed. "Kay." I spit the words out before walking back into his room.

"So...! Kacchan! What are you even doing here?" He asked me with a slight smile on his face. But I could see his puffy red eyes and tear stains on his cheeks. "Wanna study nerd?" I asked him as I stared at his beautiful lips. "O-Oh sure!" He was now wearing a nervous smile. "Why do you have to be afraid of me...." I stared at his lips and licked my own. "Alright! L-let's start!" 

His sweet voice filled all my senses, snapping me out of whatever trance I was in. "Tch, alright whatever nerd," I said right before we started to get out our books and study for a while. 


Izuku POV: 

While we were studying I couldn't help but feel a bit upset... I know it's wrong because I asked them not to do this but...I thought for sure that more people would at least give me something or wish me a happy birthday? But then again I was in my room all day, and they are great friends for not saying anything...but...I just couldn't help it! I wanted to feel happier, but I didn't know what to do. 

it was also kind of weird that Kacchan was the one to ask me to study with him, I really wonder if maybe it's because he...likes me? Nah...this is kacchan we're talking about! I don't think he's really into people...I think he may be Asexual! yeah, yeah, he's not into people. move. on.


*after everyone finished setting up Izuku's party* 

Izuku POV:

"C'mon nerd, you need your lunch for fucks sake." Kacchan said as he draged me out of my dorm room and towards the elevator. "But Kacchan- I-I th-think i want to st-stay in my roo-room!" I stuttered terribly as I felt my eyes begin to burn. "Tch. Nerd." was all Kacchan said before he-he...! 

"KA-KACCHAN?!" I yelled as I felt myself get swept off my feet-literally-and felt kacchan grab my waist, my head just hanging over his shoulder. "Wh-what are you d-d-doing?!" I stuttered again. "Stop stuttering damnit!" He yelled before he slapped my bu**! "Oww! Don't do that!" I whined.

"For fucks sake, stop whining already!" He yelled at me before the elivator came to a stop. the lights were off, and nobody was in sight. of course. i know whats happening. god, why did I have to wish for them to try to suprise me with a party or something! Of course im going to play it off as not knowing this was going to happen...so i don't hurt their feelings but... My thoughts trailed off...

"K-Kacchan? Where is everyone?" I asked as he slung me down. "Dunno, dont care" Nice acting "oh, ok! W-well kacchan...um why did you slap my b-bu**?" If Kacchan knows then this is just slight payback for everything he's ever done to me! I saw his face turn red, but then again wouldn't anyones face turn red if they knew people were listening to that type of 'convo'? 

"Uh..I dont know what your talking about?" It sounded like he was asking me that, like he wasn't sure. because he wasn't. "O-Ok...?" I said as I turned back towards the common area. "SUPRISE!!" Everyone yelled as they came up to me, and Kacchan turned on the lights. 

"W-Wha...G-Guys I'm sorry..." my voice trailed off as a few tears streamed down my face. I tried! I tried to keep myself together but...but...! I just can' t do this! At least not this year! I was started to run away when I overheard Kiri and Kacchan talking. "Dude, just tell Izuku you like him! It's so sweet that you've bullied him because you didnt want him to hurt himself by being a hero! Just tell him!" I heard kiri say to Kacchan. I knew it was kacchan because I saw him and I heard a "tch" so it had to be him! my thoughts trailed elsewhere as I rushed back to my room...

A/N: Sorry this took so long to write! I've been doing school and stuff so...- and its not that long of a chapter but I tried! cya in the next chapter I hope! and tysm guys for 1.5k views on my "My omega" story! I really appreciate it! and for the views on all my stories really! It means a lot! ^u^  

word count: 1449 

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