chapter 6

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i woke up to the sun shining through my window, i had barely slept at all that night. i hoped me and Robert breaking up was just a bad dream, but when i remembered everything so vividly i knew that wasn't the case. my head pounded as i rolled over in bed, covering my head with the blankets. my tear stained cheeks felt tight and my throat sore. i wished i could never leave my cabin, just stay in bed for forever. just the thought of seeing Robert made me want to cry. i heard a knock on the door.

"come in." i croaked, not caring who wanted to see me.

"hi love." Bindis soft voice spoke.

i pulled the blankets down just enough to show my red eyes.

"aw, come here." she pouted.

sitting down on my bed she extended her arms to me, i practically jumped into them, very in need of a hug. i started to sob once more, she held me tight and stroked my hair.

at least she isn't mad at me.

"i know you probably don't want to talk about this," she whispered, "but Robert isn't doing well either. actually that's an understatement, he's a mess." she let out a humorous huff.

i didn't respond, but i did make me feel a bit better knowing i wasn't the only one hurting.

after a few more minutes of crying, i finally let go of Bindi and gathered up the courage to talk.

"i'm so stupid." i sighed, letting my head fall into my hands.

"no, no! your not stupid, you just didn't know how to handle the situation." i lifted my head up from my hands. "you and Robert haven't been an any other relationships before, to be frank, you two have no
idea what your doing. it's all new territory. so it's okay to make mistakes, and there will most definitely be some bumps along the way."

"this was a big bump." i mumbled.

"yes, it was." she sighed, "i'd be lying if i said there wasn't better ways to handle the situation, but you did what you thought was right, and there's no changing that. you can't go back in time to fix what you've already done, so focus on the present and what you can do now. there's so many possibilities out there, and your so young, y/n. don't tie yourself down to one person and think that only they can make you happy, make yourself happy!" she grabbed my hands enthusiastically.

i sniffled, a weak smile grew across my face.

"i wish that when i was 16 someone told me this, so i'm telling you, just because you love them doesn't mean they're right for you." Bindi smiled.

something didn't add up about that.

"are you telling me this from a personal experience?" i raised an eyebrow.

she pressed her lips together in a thin line, "yes."

my eyes widened, "who? weren't you with Chandler when you were 16?"

"well before i met Chandler i fell in love with a boy, Jameses older brother," i small gasp left my mouth, "i know." she sighed.

"okay, tell me everything." i scooted closer to her.

she giggled at my peak of interest.

"his name is Benjamin, James and him are pretty much the same person. you know that Robert and James were close growing up, well me and Benjamin were close too. i think i had always had a crush on him, but it was when i was 14 that i actually fell in love with him. i remember the exact moment," she sounded like her mind was far away, "we were going for a bike ride and i crashed, i only scraped up my knee and the palms of my hands, but he was so caring. he carried me home on his back, then he cleaned out my cuts and kissed my cheek." she chuckled, "i thought he was the most amazing boy i had ever met, i was sure i was going to marry him one day."

"well, what happened? why didn't you two date?" i asked.

"mmm, that's where it gets complicated. Robert never really liked him, at least not as my "love interest". you know how protective Robert gets,"

my heart stung a little of the mention of him being protective.

"he hated that i had any crushes, let alone his best friends older brother. and when me and Benjamin got older we started to hang out more, and the more jealous Robert got. me and Robert are insanely close, we always were, so when i started spending less time
with him and more with Benjamin, he didn't like that at all. but then i met Chandler, Robert loved Chandler, they became best friends immediately. Benjamin didn't confess his feelings for me until i told him about how i met Chandler, i guess he felt threatened and wanted to make sure i didn't date anyone else. so then i was conflicted, the boy i had been in love with for years just told me he liked me, but i had just met this new amazing guy. but Chandler was still living in America at that time, and i didn't know if i could do long distance. i went over to Benjamin's house to talk to him, tell him what was going on, how i was feeling. i walked up to his front porch and saw him kissing another girl, my heart was completely shattered. i thought my life was over, i was never going to find love again. i went home crying, Robert asked me what was wrong and i told him, he was furious. of course Robert was only 11 at the time so there wasn't much he could do, but that's why he hates him." Bindi sighed.

"that explains why i never heard of him."

"yeah, we kinda have a rule in the house that we don't talk of him." she laughed.

"i can see why, i'm so sorry." i squeezed her hand.

"ah, it's okay love, it was a long time ago. plus i have Chandler now, he's a thousand times better the Benjamin." we giggled.

"anyways! my point was that your young, and you've got your whole life ahead of you, don't let this break up tie you down. i'm not saying you should never talk to Robert again or never love anyone again, i'm just saying you have so much potential y/n, don't let it go to waste." she smiled.

"thank you, Bindi." i have her a hug.

"oh! about your training, if you still up for it, it'll start in a couple of days. i hope that gives you some time to rest and get your feelings together?" she stood from the bed.

"yes, thank you so much, again."

"not a problem love, get some rest." she winked while walking out the door.

a/n: hey guys!! okay so i wanted to apologize because i feel like this chapter was a bit uneventful, but i felt it was necessary to the plot and also because it felt more realistic to have this long conversation with Bindi. but i tried to "spice it up" with some of Bindis past, that will come more into play later on btw. thanks for reading!!

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