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Warning- Slight angst, but fluff at the end, don't worry!

Felix had been acting differently, and you could tell. His usual bright and happy demeanour seemed to have decreased substantially in the past few days. He also wasn't suffocating you with hugs like he used to. You had no idea the reason for this but it began to worry you more and more with each coming day. He looked so tired all the time and he was fairly distant with the members and yourself. Originally you had assumed it was the pressure of everything getting to him, which was completely understandable but, normally if something was wrong he would have talked to somebody. He never kept his negative feelings from you, or anyone else he was close to, he didn't like to bottle things up.

"Alright guys, let's take a short break." Chris's voice rang throughout the practice room. You kept your eyes on Felix as the others disbursed from the middle of the room. Felix looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. You continued to watched Felix letting your worries eat away at your mind.

"Hey Y/N, you doing okay?" Seungmin asked you, putting his hand on your shoulder. It was only then that you realized that Felix was no longer standing in the middle of the room, he was seated off to the side scrolling through his phone. You had been staring at nothing.

"Not really." You replied, "I'm worried about Felix, hasn't he seemed a little off to you for the past few days?" Seungmin looked briefly at Felix before taking his hand off your shoulder.

"Well, I mean, yeah he has, but we've all been practicing so hard lately, and with everything else going on, I don't blame him." Seungmin gave you a reassuring smile. "I'm sure everythings fine, he would have come to us if something was wrong." Seungmin's words put your mind at ease a little, but you still decided to talk to Felix, just in case. You smiled and nodded at Seungmin before making your way over to where Felix was sitting on the ground, on his phone. You took a seat next to him.

"Hey Felix?" You only got a hum in response. "Are you... Are you doing okay?" 

"I'm fine." Felix continued to scroll through his phone, not looking up. You were unconvinced to say the least, his weak confirmation only worried you further. Felix sighed and rolled his eyes, putting his phone down.

"I told you I'm fine Y/N." He let out a laugh that seemed more strained then anything. Felix tried to give you a smile but you noticed something seemingly insignificant in other cases.

His smile didn't reach his eyes

"Alright guys, let's get back to practicing!" Chris said getting up and clapping his hands. Felix got up and joined the rest of the boys to begin working again. You furrowed you brows and kept your eyes on Felix for the rest of practice.


The boys and yourself ended up staying longer than intended to practice. It had gotten reasonably dark outside and everyone was tired. You had all gotten into the same car getting ready to head back to the dorms. You reached into your pocket, then realizing then you had forgotten your phone in the practice room. You leaned over to Chris and whispered.

"Hey Chris, I forgot my phone I'll be right back." Chris nodded.

"Okay but hurry back, Jeongin is getting cranky." You giggled a bit and nodded. You hopped out of the car but before you could close the door, Chris said.

"Hey Y/N wait, can you tell Felix to hurry up too, he said he had to stay back and talk to the manager." You felt your heart sink at that, you instantly knew something was wrong. Of course it was normal for the guys to stay back in the practice room for various reasons on different occasions but something just didn't feel right. And based on the tone of which Chris was speaking in, he felt the same way too.

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