What's happening to me?

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Readers POV:
After the whole situation happened, I just lived my life like any other day. Going to school at the same time , leaving school at the same time , making my daily trips anywhere so I can waste time before heading back home.
But after that day I've felt like someone's watching me but I'm just brushing it off because I'm assuming it's just weird side effects from the the pill I take (my dad got worried I wasn't take them so he called the doctors for a higher dose)  I didn't say anything and just let him do it because I wouldn't have had a say in it anyways. It's not like It'll effect me that much besides all those weird feelings I have.
Everyday after that , the feels I've been having , haven't gone away yet. I assumed that after I got more used to the pills it would go away but no.
(One particular day)
I woke up like any other day, at the same time like usual, my nights have been filled of thoughts about the next day.
"Will I feel it again"
"What if I hear something"
"Should I go tomorrow?"
Many other questions have been going through my head about every other day.
I had to be strong because this was all in my head. It's just the stupid pills that are making me like this. So I got up out of bed , ate and took the pill like usual.
"I better go now before I'm late" y/n thought.
*At school*
I've walked through the front gates and I'm already feelings like there's someone watching me...
But like everyday I smile through it and don't let it show but let me speed walk through it today.
*In class*
Ive never liked class so much before because once I step into class it's like all those feelings go away. I like sitting in my chair and actually learning something, sometimes I wish the professor would just keep talking.
*After school*
This entire day was just like any other. Feelings like someone watching me every times I step out of class is still there. And now that it's after school it gets even worst because I have no where to hide behind and even though I should just go straight home I just can't, it's too lonely. So I put on my earbuds and listen to music while I sit on the bench at the park I'm always going too. The music distracts me from all the feeling I have but like the last time I stayed out to late and the suns already setting.
"I need to go" y/n thought.
And right when I had no more music in my ear that feeling came back but it was already getting too dark I couldn't see a thing at this point. So I walked as fast as I could back home and that's when I heard it ..
it sounded like .. foot steps ? So I stopped and when I looked behind me there was nothing there... this has never happened before so I quickly entered my house.
"Was that .. foot steps?" Y/n thought...
I didn't know what to think, it had to be my mind playing tricks on me .. or it - it had to be the pills! Something like this has never happened to me before and it all this started when I got a higher dose.
"I can't live like this anymore... having the feeling like someone's watching and now hearing things that clearly wasn't there(because when she looked back there was nothing there)" y/n thought.
Y/n rushed to her kitchen cabinet and grabbed the pills. She walked into her bathroom and opened the bottle, and dumped it in her toilet then flushed them down. The feeling of relief that she felt was somehow peaceful. She knew that this was finally going to end.

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