Chapter 1: First Encounter

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You see I was minding my own business, reading my favorite book, chips at my side, soda on the other side, and my favorite pillow pressed securely across my chest as my book lays atop of the pillow. My legs were sprawled on the floor, my head laying comfortably at the end of my bed.

I was getting hyped up with the story I was reading for like seem like hours now. Taking my phone from the bed I checked the time on my phone displaying it was currently three in the afternoon. Honestly I was tired and sleepy but alas my hunger and hype for this story is much stronger than any physical needs. I stood up to grab some water down stairs and probably also pee 'cause you know my bladder's probably gonna explode any time now if I didn't.

I opened my door and squinted my eyes as soon as the sunlight from the window directly outside my room reached my eyes. When I blinked them open I couldn't see anything. At first I thought my eyes were still closed but then I was blinking furiously I was sure my eyes were open.

As I was processing on what in the world is happening around me thinking maybe it was power breach then realized it was three in the afternoon and some sort of light should still be present around me considering I was just literally standing in front of my window a while ago.

I heard a loud bang in the distance causing me to flinch and stumble on some rubble. What the—Rubble?! Then things started to get weirder than it already is.

I realized they were people who were sobbing. I couldn't actually see them, but I was sure I can hear them crying.

And then I heard some loud clopping sound and some sort of machine being turned on into life. A heavy gust of wind started to blew of my surroundings causing me to cough up the dust being caught by the sudden wind and finally I could see.

I looked up and saw a chopper who was hovering above me casting alight on my surroundings.

Everything was still covered with smoke around me but base on the tall infrastructure silhouettes, I assume I'm in a middle of a city. I can hear some familiar crackling of fire in the distance and the faint sobs earlier got even louder ever since the chopper came.

The wind from the chopper's propeller was slowly blowing away all the smoke that was surrounding me giving me a clearer view of what was really happening around me.

My eyes widened ones the smoke cleared. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was in a middle of a large crater that was at least as large as a tank truck that seem to be a result of a big explosion.

Before I could even comprehend any further information on why am I in the middle of this scary ruins of basin, I heard someone shouting from a distance seeming to found someone he was looking for.

"There she is! I found her! Reinforcements immediately! Location: Right behind the City Square!" 'Who was the man yelling? What the hell is going on? Where in the world am I?'

As the thoughts and questions in my head remained unanswered, my heart skipped a beat, my eyes widening at the sight of a gun that was pointed at me. The wielder having a strange looking outfit of a red cloak and a mask that looked like the ones they used back in the 1800's.

As any sane person's reaction must be, the moment he pulled the trigger, of course I ducked and missed the bullet barely grazing my cheek.

I could've sworn I saw the bullet pass on my peripheral view on my left eye and felt its cold metal surface as it flew across me.

Quickly recovering from my near death experience, I picked myself up, dusted myself from the dirt that found me from the ground, furiously turned around, and gave the doctor-mask-looking- guy a death glare.

I heard the sobbing got louder from the people I heard from earlier so I brought my attention to them and was shocked to see the scene before me.

They weren't adults. They were children.

I looked at them confusion and worry displayed on my face. 'What are these poor children doing here?' 'As it seems to me this is battle field why in the world are they here?'

I approached them slowly like a wounded animal and crouching down to their level my eyebrows furrowed, as my eyes searched each and every one of their faces.

They were all so scared, their cheeks were stained with tears and dust. Aside from their scratches sprawled all over their bodies, they seem to be physically fine. But the look on their faces were enough to tell me that they were shaken up and scared as hell.

"Hey, are you all okay? What happened?" I asked them with the softest voice I could come up. Some of them flinched, some backed away slightly, and some were rather... confused?

"A-are y-you going to h-hurt us?" One of the older kids asked me stuttering, fear written across his face. My eyes widened at his statement. Why would they think that?

"No no, I won't, it's okay I won't hurt you, why would you think that?" I asked looking him in the eyes worried about what was really happening.

"Your hair and eyes changed, but a while ago you—" He couldn't finish what he was saying for another loud bang of some sort of explosion was heard from above.

I looked up from where the sound came from and saw nothing, but soon enough someone was flying from the sky like a jet, explosions emitting from what I think were his hands? 'What the hell? Is he some sort of human jet or something?'

He got closer and closer to the ground on us, I caught his eyes and was taken aback by the sight of it.

His eyes were so wild and enraged under his ash blonde hair, they were red as rubies, light dancing in it as he fires his explosion propelling himself towards the ground.

He caught my eyes too, holding my gaze with such intensity it felt like he was staring into my soul. His eyes almost reminded me of the same red ruby ring wrapped securely around my ring finger. 'But why were they red? Is he vampire or something?'

Fidgeting the said ring subconsciously with my thumb usually whenever I was in distress or anxious and right now a mixture of both and many other more emotions are boiling up in me.

As he got closer, he outstretched his arm directly on me, his other hand propelling himself as he prepared to land. But before he could, his hands lightened up seeming to ignite another explosion on my direction.

My eyes widened at that and before I could properly dodge, the explosion hit me like meteor causing my body to fly across the ruins to who knows where.


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