Chapter 3: Impaled Fork

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The scent of clean sheets, and antiseptic invaded her nostrils the moment she felt herself regaining consciousness from her deep sleep. It was a weird smell to her. Her bed never smelled like that before, it always smelled like her which was floral with a tinge of vanilla not like this.

She stirred in her sleep groaning slightly of feeling how incredibly exhausted she was. Her joints, stomach, and head were throbbing in pain.

She tried getting up from her bed but failed to do so because a pair of cloth restraints stopped her.

Her eyes immediately shot up ones she realized that.

The sudden light made her eyes squint but her sight readjusted eventually. She stared down at her figure which was all bandaged up, and also realizing her head was also wrapped in gauze.

She took in her surroundings guessing she was in a hospital room. Nobody else besides her was in it, the bed was in the middle of the room, a large window was located at her right side, and on to the left lies a small table with two chairs, parallel to it at the same side of the room was the door.

She tried to recall what happened and why was she here and if she remembered correctly everything that had happened didn't make any sense at all but to her dismay and confusion it all had indeed happened.

One second she was laying comfortably in her room, the other suddenly being in the middle of a battle field almost dying multiple times, and now waking up on a hospital bed half of her body all bandaged up like a cocoon.

Recalling her lessons with her father, she tried to wriggle her hands from the grasp of the cloth that was holding her down just as her father thought her in case she was stuck in a situation where she was all tied up which unfortunately was happening right now.

After a few tries and wriggles she finally managed to free her one hand and quickly working its way to untie the other. She ripped of the IV from her hands rather harshly causing her to slightly bleed, she ignored the new sensation of the tinge pain from her hand and draped off her feet from the bed.

She stood up immediately after freeing herself from her binds but instantly regretting it as her breath hitched from the sudden pain that shot through her lungs.

She regained her composure from the sudden pain and shrugged it off.

Deciding that she could manage to move, she ignored the throbbing pain from her joints and lungs and slowly and carefully stood up.

Retreating from her bed she saw some utensils laying on the table and quickly grabbed the fork to serve as some sort of weapon to protect her (sort of).

"Mr. Aizawa!" She flinched at the sudden oddly familiar husky voice. "She's a villain! Why keep her here just throw her into prison or something!" The deep and raspy voice yelled.

"Kacchan calm down we're not even supposed to be moving so much yet." Another voice softer than the first said.

"Shut up nerd! Look who's talking your also out of bed you fucking dumbass!"

She stood her ground, backed away from the door as far as she could, as she readied herself to finally meet the people who almost killed her twice just a few days ago.

The door knob turned as the door slowly opened making a slight creaking noise.

"Both of you go back to your rooms, you're not fully healed yet I'd be damned if something happened to you again. As for this person we are dealing with. There is still some sort of misconceptions that we still need to—"

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