Chapter 4: News and Tests

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"Wait, wait, hold up. Why is it called 'quirk'? That's a lame ass name to call a power, and why call it 'quirk' if you could just call it 'power'?" Erasure Head or Mr. Aizawa I don't what I should call him groaned for like the million'th time this afternoon.

He was explaining to me since morning about this supernatural world of theirs where 80% of the population basically has a meta power which they call 'quirk'.

'Still curious why they call it 'quirk' though.'

Despite the news, I'm still thinking of my Dad if he already started to look for me. Mr. Aizawa told me that I was unconscious for almost three days now and I'm never gone from home longer than a whole day. Once I come home I'd sure be grounded for the rest of my life for being gone for this long without any permission.

"You know I still don't trust her." I rolled my eyes at the detective who was with us which his name I cannot remember.

"Don't worry I also don't trust you guys." I placed both of my elbows on the bed table in front me as I held my chin with both of my palms. The quirk cancelling brace on my right wrist was very uncomfortable but I could live with it. It was another 'precaution' in their defense but I just rolled my eyes when they said that.

'I don't even have a quirk'

"Because you know, I did almost have a bullet in my head, a concussion, broken ribs, and pierced lungs by the hands of your acquaintances that night. Oh! And also, I magically appeared in this place for no apparent reason." I smiled at them and gave them a quick wink and giggled.

"We apologize on the unfortunate events that has happened that night a few days ago." The skeleton looking blonde guy who they call All Might answered.

"It was a surprisingly turn of events." Mr. Aizawa added as he sat on a chair right beside my bed.

"So," the blonde that was standing in the corner said as he cleared his throat.

"You're saying, is that you are not from our world? That you live in a different world where quirks do not exist?" He looked at me with genuine curiosity in his eyes, the way he looked it was so gentle and kind.

They told me earlier that he was the retired 'number one hero'.

'They even have ranks for heroes huh.'

I scanned his facial features more just to find any sort of indifference towards a person they should be suspecting as a villain, and I saw nothing.

'Maybe because he's a teacher?' I thought as a gazed upon him more.

"Uh, young y/n?" I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I have a question to answer.

"Oh! Sorry, yeah that's what I think unless you people have secret society hidden in this world where heroes and quirks exist while we live in the outside world where normal people live their lives, or it could also be the other way around." I said nonchalantly.

To be honest I was surprised that I was not that surprised, I always had suspicions on what reality really is but also never paid that much attention to it.

When I explained my situation to them earlier right from where I got magically teleported, they looked at me like I was frog knitting a sweater. They didn't believe me one bit. Mr. Aizawa even told me that it was the lamest excuse ever.

But then I started to tell them countless stories in my world's history where apparently most are similar to their history but a few never occurred in their world.

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