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"Morning" Sapnap said. He was on his phone scrolling through twitter, i still had my head curled up on his chest. "morning" i say back. 

"Hey..Sapnap" I said. I was bored and although we had school today i was thinking on going out after maybe something like a little date. "What's up" he said as he got up and put on some clothes for school.

"Do you want to like maybe go on a date with me after school? Not like a fancy one but maybe we can go swimming or something." 

"Oh yeah! that sounds fun"


"Yeah I'm so down for swimming" He said while putting on a T-Shirt. "What do you want for breakfast today?" He then asks as i got up and also got ready for the day putting on a oversized jumper and some jeans and following Nick to the kitchen "I don't mind I'm not that hungry" 

I lied.

In reality i was starving.


"Your such a slut. Nick doesn't even like you. He is only with you cuz he feels bad for you and you code his videos for him, like how much of  a nerd are you honestly, go lose some weight you fat bitch." This random girl said to me.

i don't know why she said it...i think she was jealous because i was dating the most popular boy in school(and the hottest of course) and we were happy together and she wanted to ruin that. i was quite pathetic. something a primary school child would do. but it still got to me.

when she called me fat it really made me think about what i eat and how my body was not overweight but i could do with losing some. 

(end of flashback)


Sapnap had made himself some toast while i cleaned up the house, it wasn't really dirty but it wasn't clean either it had our mess from last night and a few dirty cups and blankets laying about.

Nick finished up his breakfast the same time after i finished cleaning and we both got our shoes on and left for school.


We both got home from school and got ready for our little swimming date putting on our swimsuits and putting some clothes on over the top to cover ourselves up until we get to the communal pool we have at the place we are staying.

we get to the pool and nick dives straight in and i sit on the side dangling my feet in the water. my heart beats soundly, the water lapping against my legs as i sit there.

Nick comes to me after swimming around for a bit in the water, giggling as he splashed on the way. "your so dumb" i said giggling, him on his way over. "And your so mean to me" he makes a pouty face, swimming over to me and resting his arms on the side of the pool. We both sigh gently, loving the company of each other.

"Hey" He says quietly almost like it was meant to be a whisper. Touching my thigh with is wet hands.(NO DIRTY JOKES YOU HORNY BASTERDS). "What's up" I reply quietly as well.

He rests his head on my leg, looking at me with those same eyes as the day he did when i realized i fell in love with him.(uhmm chile anyways sooo...)"I love you....Forever..I promise" he said. "I love you too...Forever..and always." 

He goes to swim away but i jump in after him. "Y/N MY HAIR!" he shouted in a joking manner. I laugh as i submerge from the water, flinging my hair back and out of my eyes. The view was beautiful in this garden covered in all shapes and sizes of different coloured flowers. The sunset hit the garden perfectly every night and it's amazing. almost as amazing as him.

I wrap my legs around him while in the water as we watch the sunset together, taking in every minute. "I love you" i whisper into his ear. His eyes light up "I love you too"




What are your thoughts on it? I know it's not my best but if you do want more with any other of the Dream SMP, as long as their comfortable with it i am happy to do so..if you have any feedback please comment them here---->


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