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Ren's orgasm surged through him like a burning wave, had him cling to Hux as if he was drowning and call out his name. Completely undone he sank down next to him, panting and unable to let go of him. He hadn't known that he could come like this. It was completely overwhelming.

They lay in silence for a few moments. A few very short moments.

"Well", Hux finally said. "It's good that didn't take long. I really have to get in contact with Peavey. There were reports of an uprising in Corellia and..."

Ren cringed, unwilling to come down from his height already. "Please Hux. Could you stay silent for a few minutes afterwards?" His voice sounded a little strained. "Can I ... enjoy the moment for a little while?"

Hux quickly checked his datapad. "You actually have five minutes left", he said. "I apologize."

He was quiet after that, but Ren could feel that he wasn't relaxing. He kept gazing in the direction of the datapad, hands playing with the fabric of his bathrobe. Ren wished that for once their love making could do the same to Hux as it did for him. That he would be able to feel the same inner peace and fulfilment Ren experienced.

"It's okay", Ren said, softly stroking Hux's arm one last time. "You can get up if you want to."

"Thank you!" Hux closed his bathrobe, grabbed the datapad and walked over to the door of the fresher. He looked back to the bed before opening it and Ren hungrily took in his slender beauty, the way strands of his copper hair fell into his eyes. He wanted him again. Badly.

"You can stay for a while if you want to", Hux said.

"Thanks." Ren sighed inwardly. He appreciated the offer, but the bed wasn't the same without Hux. He missed him already and knew that the week would feel agonizingly long. It hurt not to be able to touch him, be close to him after their weekly twenty minutes were over. It always felt much too short for all the longing that built up inside of him during the week. He wanted to hold him, ravish him, give him everything. But up to now he hadn't even managed to get a real reaction. Nothing in Hux's demeanour had changed. He wasn't even sure if Hux enjoyed or at least liked sleeping with him.

Then again Ren had to admit that maybe it was partly his own fault, because as much as he longed to give pleasure to Hux, he was always so overwhelmed by his own desire, he couldn't even think straight when he was with him. He certainly wasn't the lover he wanted to be.

This had been their third encounter and Ren had learned that Hux approached sex very much as he approached Stormtrooper meetings or battle plans. Well prepared, in total control and with a thought-out strategy.

"What do you want to do?" He always asked at the beginning of their scheduled meetings, expecting an immediate answer. Romance or the concept of just letting go were completely lost on him. Still, Ren longed for their times together as a man in eternal darkness longs for the light of the stars.

He also knew by now that it was better to be very clear about what he wanted, because Hux didn't like off-handedness. "I want to roll in the sheets with you and make love until we both pass out" for example hadn't been met with a lot of enthusiasm.

"You know very well I don't have time for that", Hux had explained. "Could you be a little more precise?"

Ren contemplated falling asleep in Hux's bed, but it would feel too frustrating to wake up without Hux next to him. Also, he always jerked off several times after their meetings to the memories, and it would feel plain wrong to do that here. So, he got up and got dressed before Hux reappeared. He'd be in a hurry anyway.

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