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"Hux!" Ren stepped back from the sliding door that led to his apartment. "Come in, please. What a surprise to see you here!"

For a fleeting moment he hoped that Hux had missed him as much as he had, that he'd finally felt the desire to be with him outside of their scheduled meetings. Not to have sex maybe, but for the company or for another massage. It would have made him so incredibly happy.

"This won't take long", Hux said, crushing Ren's hopes. "I just have a few questions concerning our next meeting." He sounded so business-like, so distant. Had absolutely nothing changed between them? Ren felt his guts churn with regret and worry.

"Alright." Ren gestured to his comfortable couch that was facing the external observation panel. He loved the view and often meditated in front of it. Maybe if he could get Hux to sit down for a moment he might drop his guard a little.

"No thank you."

"Can I offer you a drink?"

"I'm actually in a hurry. I just wanted to know whether you also wanted to make conversation at our next meeting or if you just want to drink tea."

Hux seemed suddenly nervous and Ren very much wanted to put him at ease.

"Well, I do want to talk to you", he said softly. "I'm looking forward to that."

Hux nodded and seemed to make a mental note. "About what?"

"Oh, Hux." Ren wished he could put his arms around him or at least brush a hand over his hair, but he knew that would only confuse him more. "Whatever you want to talk about is fine."

"Well, it's your scheduled time so if there's any topic I should prepare to talk about, anything I should catch up on..."

He looked lost for a moment and Ren really wanted to hug him. It also depressed him that whatever he tried to do to make Hux relax only seemed to put him more on edge. "You don't need to do that. I would like to hear about you if there's anything you feel like sharing."

Hux scoffed. "I told you there is nothing remotely interesting about me."

Ren wished he could tell him how much he disagreed, but he couldn't find the right words before Hux was already at his door again, ready to leave. "I'll see you in two cycles then", he said. "Let me know if anything changes."

Ren sat down on his couch alone. "See you Hux", he said to the closing doors. He let himself sink down into the cushions, a little weary. He knew he had to be patient, but sometimes it felt as if every time he advanced a step, he took two steps back the next time he met Hux. He leaned his head back and brought his hands up to his face. Why was Hux so completely unable to let anything surprise him? Why couldn't he let go just a little? Maybe that was what he really had to find out if he wanted this to lead anywhere.


"You didn't have to do that, Ren", Hux said, taking the flowers from him, without meeting his eyes. "It really wasn't necessary."

"Well I wanted to. I apologize for them not being pretty, but they were the best eco-bay had to offer. Beautiful flowers aren't a priority."

"That makes sense", Hux said, opening cupboards in his kitchen-space until he found something resembling a vase. "Please sit down." He indicated the sofa.
Ren followed his request and watched Hux who took quite some time arranging the flowers in the vase before he placed them on the little table in front of Ren. He took that to indicate that Hux did like them and was relieved. He really hadn't been sure if he should imitate that part of Poe's wooing technique.

"The tea has to brew a little longer", Hux said, while carrying a tablet with a teapot, two tea glasses and a little can of bantha milk over. Ren carefully moved the flowers out of the way. "I wasn't even aware you liked tea."

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