2. Persuasive

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POV- Y/n
In which John Lennon spends the school day persuading his fancy to go out with him.
(High School Years)
"Shove off, Lennon," I hissed, my voice sour and harsh. John simply smirked, his sepia eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Just give in already, love. I know ye want to," He whispered softly into my ear, making me shiver. I hate how my body reacts to his closeness, how exhilarated I feel when he's near.

My heart sped up as I felt his hand skim my waist. I cursed under my breath for my heart beating so loud. I wouldn't be surprised if John could hear it.

"It's clear that you like me," John pushed on. He swiftly moved to block my path. Now that I can clearly see his face, I can't deny how handsome he is.

Pretty eyes, greased back auburn hair, tall figure, hooked nose, he's just naturally attractive and it pisses me off. It pisses me off that he's right, I do like him.

What's keeping me away from him is my dignity. I refuse to go out with John because he's dated half the school. He's a well known player and trouble maker. I can't let my heart get stolen and then eventually broken.

"You're a player, a well know player at that," I spat, trying to move past John.

"Well I'm not playing you, Y/n. You're not one to play with. Do you really think Paul would let me take you out on a date if he thought I wasn't sincere about my liking towards you?"

He made a point. Paul is my best friend. He also happens to be John's friend. Paul would never let me get hurt, especially at the hands of John Lennon.

"Besides, I want you and only you. I'll do anything. I'll beg on me knees if that's what it takes to get you to go out with me," John pleaded. There was no sign of joking in his voice.

I raised a skeptical eyebrow. He can't be serious.

John sighed, "If I must." He got down on his knees and clasped his hands together, "You've got me begging on me knees, Y/n. Let me take you out on at least one date!"

My eyes widened. People in the hall stopped and stared at the scene in front of them. Infamous John Lennon, the school pan, begging on his knees for a girl, something he has never done.

"Once again no. Get off your knees, people are staring," I whisper shouted, feeling eyes burning holes into my back. I tried to get out of the situation, but John grabbed my wrist, still on his knees.

"I promise what I say is true. I'll do anything, all I want is you. That's all I've wanted for a long time," He pleaded, giving me the saddest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. I was almost inclined to say yes.

"I- maybe," I replied, "Just get off the floor and I'll give you an answer at the end of the day."

John practically flew off the ground in excitement. He was about to hug me but quickly contained himself.

"I didn't say yes," I reminded as I started to walk down the hall to my next class.

"But you didn't say no," John grinned, his smile cheeky with the right amount of teasing to it, "That's better than nothing at all."

I couldn't help but let a small giggle slip at John's childishness. He really is something else.

"From that giggle I think my odds are pretty good, however I'm going to do everything I can to make them 100%!" John cheered.

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