10. Every Little Thing

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POV- George Harrison
In which George confesses to his best friend that also happens to be the love of his life.

She was nothing I've ever seen before. Her personality was unforgivingly bright and beautiful whilst her laugh beckoned the echoes of every room. I felt drawn to her in the way bees are drawn to flowers.

In ways she is like a flower herself. Attracts with beauty and distinctiveness amongst all the other flowers. Then when you meet her, and get to know her, you see her true, lovely self, the pollen.

Pollen creates many wonderful things in life as well as being the bane of some people's existence. That's exactly what this girl is. For some, she is the best thing that will ever happen to you, for others, that's not quite the case.

I personally found myself falling deeply for this girl. Harder than I've ever fallen for someone before. She is much more than the best thing to ever happen to me.

The moment I heard her sweet laugh fill the room, the stars aligned perfectly and I felt a shock in my heart. It was almost like a switch was flipped, lighting the lightbulb above my head that let me know that she was it. My soulmate.

After these few years of getting to know her, and getting to love her, I've decided to confess. Now confessing is hard, considering her and I always pretend to flirt with each other but in a 'just friends' kinda way. I'm afraid she'll think my feelings are a joke.

I let out a huff, pushing down all the fears that have been keeping me away from this very moment. I must confess my love to Y/n, and I must do it now. I hope my feelings make their way to her and don't get pushed aside as some silly teasing.

"There you are, Georgie!" A silky voice sang. A voice I know well. The voice that belongs to the love of my life.

"You are as radiant as ever," I grin, looking at the girl in front of me who enlightens a fire in my heart every time she smiles at me.

"Mmhm, sure. So what do you want?" Y/n asks suspiciously as we begin to walk to her house.

"Nothing! Can't I just call my crush beautiful?" I say, putting an emphasis on crush. But to no avail, Y/n didn't catch the meaning behind my words.

"Crush? Please Geo, just tell me what you want," Y/n groans, clearly not understanding my hints.

"I don't want anything, honest!" I insist, pausing our steps. Y/n gives me a side glance with a raised eyebrow.


"Well...maybe I do want something, but not what you think," I mumble, glancing away from her soft e/c eyes.

"You're acting weird, George. What's going on?" Y/n questions, a look of concern dawning on her face.

"Hmm I don't know, maybe it's that I'm trying to hint to the girl I've fallen for that I love her, but she's not understanding me. Maybe that's why I'm 'acting weird',"


I could see it in her eyes. She didn't even have to tell me.

"I'm sorry, just forget ab- mm," I was cut off with tender lips against mine.

My heart beat faster and faster in my chest as I engraved every detail of this moment into my head. Starting from the feeling of Y/n's lips against mine to the way she grabbed my tie to pull me down into the kiss.

It happened so fast, I couldn't keep up with my actions because not long into the kiss, I started to grip onto Y/n's hips, backing her up into a nearby tree.

My right hand slithered up her side, caressing her waist sensually. I couldn't focus on anything but her. All of her. Every little thing I've observed came crashing down on me in an instant.

The way her nose crinkles when she's confused or the way she gazes at me with admiration when I go on and on about my passion for music. The way she can light up a room with the simplest of smiles.

The kiss bundled all the good things about her into one big wave of emotion. Something so powerful and sweet it was heart stopping.

I pulled away, looking into Y/n's eyes. They spoke everything I needed to know, but I still desire to hear her say it. And she knows that.

"I love you, Geo," Y/n whispers, wrapping her arms around me.

"I love you, Y/n," I whisper back, kissing the top of her head before leaning into her hug.

Every little thing about this moment is everything I could hope for and more. The love of my life in my arms, loving me back is all I've ever wanted.
Sorry this was short and fast, I really wanted to move on from this one. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! And thank you so much for 100 reads!

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