8. Don't Hide, Darling

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POV- Ringo Starr
In which Y/n hides under the covers because of a thunderstorm.

The smell of rain and dirt tickled my nose as I walked up to my wife and I's home. The pavement was dampened with rain water and wet grass. Thunder grumbled while lightening snapped in the sky. Two factors Y/n hates.

I've been worried sick all day at work as the storm rolled in. My love hates storms, especially ones like the one today. My heart surged in my chest as I placed my hand on the doorknob. The excitement spread through me as I walked into the house.

"Y/n, love, I'm home!" I called out enthusiastically. My voice echoed back at me, making the house seemingly empty.

"Y/n!?" I called out again. My voice synced with a crack of thunder, followed along with flash of lightening. A few seconds after that, there was a whimper of fear.

"There she is," I mumbled under my breath as I hurried up the stairs to our shared room.

"Y/n?" My voice sliced through the thick silence in the cold room. I noticed a lump shaking under the covers, signifying that my love is in fact home.

Another crack of thunder and a flash of lightning went by.

"Ritchie!" Y/n squeaked, her body tensed up.

I crawled onto the bed, cradling the lump under our covers that happens to be my lovely wife.

"I'm right here," I whisper, pulling the covers off Y/n. I let out a quiet gasp as I noticed her puffy red eyes, brimmed with fresh tears while her cheeks were stained with old ones.

Her lip quivered and her eyebrows furrowed together. My heart ached at the sorrowful sight.

I scooped Y/n up into my arms and held her closely to my chest, "I'm here now, there's nothing to be afraid of, love."

Crack! Lightening struck once again, lighting up the entirety of the dark room. Y/n practically jumped out of my arms, slipping under the covers once again. I shook my head at her.

"Don't hide, darling. The big ole mean storm can't hurt ye while I'm right next to you, I won't let it," I sing, pulling Y/n back into my arms. This time she grasped onto my sides tightly.

"I'm not a child, Rings," Y/n giggled shakily. I rolled my eyes while placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Doesn't mean I can't protect you," I retort, earning some light laughter from Y/n. Her tensed posture loosened up as I continued to carry on with her.

"I won't let some scumbag storm touch my wife!" I declare dramatically in a successful attempt at getting Y/n to smile.

"I love you, Rings,"

"I love you too, darling,"

"Can we make some hot coco?" Y/n asks, her voice innocent and sweet, making me go all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Anything for you, love," I reply, holding onto Y/n's hand. I walk her over to the kitchen, allowing her to lean against me for support due to her shaky state.

I start getting the hot coco together, putting all my love into it to make it special for Y/n.

"Here ye are," I say, placing the hot mug in front of her.

"Thank you, Ritchie," Y/n beams. I can't help but lean in and kiss her right then and there. Her smile overwhelmed me with fervent feelings that soared through my veins.

"Of course, my love," I purr while sipping my one hot coco.

We waited out the rest of the storm, sipping hot coco together while basking in each other's presence.
I'm sorry this Ringo one was short like the last Ringo one. I just didn't really know where I was going with it.

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