6. All The Attention In The World

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In which Y/n is trying to work, but George is clingy and wants attention.
Request - @empteasouls

I was just about ready to start my next document, when two arms wrapped around my body, trapping me in a cage of warmth. I tensed up from the initial shock until I realized who it was.

"George, are you alright?" I asked nervously. It's been awhile since George and I have been home at the same time. I've been so caught up in work, I didn't even notice him walk into the house.

"You didn't greet me at the door," George whispered into my ear sadly. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, kissing certain spots that gave me chills.

The work in front of my eyes has been forgotten due to the redness spreading across my face, "I'm sorry, I got caught up in my work and I really need to finish i-."

"No, that can wait," George murmured into my skin. His grip tightened around me, restraining my arms. A few whimpers escaped my throat as George's canines brushed against my neck.

His hands trailed down to mine. He intertwined our fingers, deepening our connection.

After a few long lasting minutes of George littering every inch of my skin from my face to my collar bone with kisses, he stopped abruptly.

I turned around and gave him a confused look in which he responded with a tender kiss on the lips. My heart soared through my chest like a rocket into the layers of the atmosphere. 

"I want all of your affection and attention," George confessed, pulling me out of my chair. He lead me by the hand into the living room.

I watched with amusement as he plopped down onto the couch, patting the spot next to him eagerly.

As soon as I sit down, two hands gingerly push me against the cushions. George doesn't say anything, all he does is lay on top of me. His long legs are tangled with mine while his arms wrap around me.

"I haven't spent any time with you lately and I miss you, Y/n. I miss your touch, your love," George whined, resting his head against my chest.

I kissed the top of his head and began to twirl strands of his dark brown hair, "George I'm so sorry. I'll give you all the attention in the world from here on out."

"All of it? You promise?" George questioned, almost in a begging tone. I used the little movement I could muster to cradle him in my arms.

"I promise," I giggle.

"Good, because I have no intention of getting up anytime soon,"

"Aren't you hungry, though? I bet you haven't eaten much today. We could go out and get jelly babies," I suggested, worrying over George's health as per usual.

"All I need is your love. It's my fuel, I don't need anything else but you," George murmured, his voice trailing off as he slowly began to fall asleep.

"You can nap for a little bit, but then I'm going to make you lunch because you need your energy," I insist, looking down at my now sleeping boyfriend.

"I love you Georgie, and I do mean it when I say I'll give you all my love," I whisper into his ear. The little bit of consciousness he had left picked up my sentence, causing him to smile softly.

"I love you too,"
Gentle lips pressed against mine, rousing me from comfortable slumber. My eyes squinted open slightly as my mind began to process where I was and who I was with. Through my dazed vision, I could see George smirking cheekily at me.

"Not only did ya promise me yer love, you also promised me lunch. Can we go out to lunch? Please my darling," George requested, placing sweet kisses against my jaw.

"Where do you want to go, Georgie?" I questioned.

I made pointless attempts at trying to move, but the weight of George against my body was too heavy for me to shift. You would think such a skinny lad would be easy to move, however you would be sadly mistaken.

"Let's go to the little round 'O clock diner down the street, they always have good stuff there," George suggested, getting off of me. He grasped my hand and helped me up, pulling me under his arm as soon as I was standing on my feet.

"You're beautiful, Y/n, you know that right? The prettiest flower in the garden," George softly cooed in my ear.

"Geo," I retort, my voice edging with sarcasm.

"Y/n, my love," George sang, taking his hands and cupping both sides of my face with them.

I scrunched my nose as George began kissing spots on my face. He started with my cheek, then my chin, then my jaw, then my nose, and finally my lips.

"Maybe we can stay home and I can eat you up instead," George teased, bringing his kisses down to my collar bone.

"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I giggle, briskly brushing my hands through George's dark brown mop top.

"Then let's hurry to the bedroom!" George cried out excitedly. He scoops me up in his arms and races up the stairs.
Sorry this took so long. Anyways if you have any requests, comment them!

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