Prologue: Introduction

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She was just a normal sixteen-year-old girl.

Living her life with her father, having friends of her own, doing typical hobbies of a teenager such as going to school, and being rebellious from time to time which causes his father multiple headaches.

She can be trouble maker if she wanted to, but she tends to restrain herself most of the time just for the sake of her father.

She also had many friends but there were only a select few that was close enough to her than she let them be.

She never really let anyone in, drawing a line at a certain distance far enough for her comfort, far enough to keep them from seeing who she really was.

A weak and vulnerable little girl who was broken mostly her entire life.

No one really knew, not even his father. No one saw what she truly felt, she kept it all inside sometimes fooling herself that she was completely fine.

Don't get her wrong she was happy in way she can call it.

She just felt lost and incomplete but her father and her few friends was enough to fill in her devoid life, she found just enough happiness from them.

But despite having everything she can ever ask for, she still can't be truly happy something felt missing it started when the day her mother was taken away from her at a young age.

Her colorful world suddenly became dull, it wasn't colorless it was just as not a bright as it used to when her mother was still there.

Ever since she left, something felt missing since then. Like a puzzle, losing that last piece forever, never completing the whole picture, which was her herself.

Until that day came where her normal life was turned upside down.

The world she was accustomed to was not the world she thought it was, there was more to it than what she knew.

Impossible scientific theories coming into life.

A strange world with a strange people that lives in it.

People who she never thought that was going to play a huge role in her life.

Unlocking certain things she never knew about herself.

Getting to know not only those strange people, but herself as well.

And a particular ruby-eyed boy who was stubborn enough that he managed to break in.

To step beyond that line she drew to keep people away from reaching her.

And instead of building a wall to keep him away, for some reason, which also surprised her as well.

She let him cross that line letting him see who she really is, letting him in into her dull life.

And for the first time in years she saw the world a bit more brighter than it was before.


You see I was minding my own damn business living a not so peaceful life. I was contented and living my life safely and recklessly at the same time, but despite everything I was contented.

So tell me, why did I have to leave that wonderful place just so I could end up here. Where constantly being on the death's door is a daily activity.

"You filthy firecracker! Get off of me! You stink and your sweaty!"

I tried to push him off of me but to no avail, because my hands were stuck at my sides and I literally can't move them nor can I breathe properly.

'I think I'm gonna die of suffocation real soon.'

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