Part 3 : Trial Dig Site

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--> Play Alone

Play Together


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Kenny walks down the hallway as he gathers his courage. He lifts his head up to look at his opponent. It was a man with a straw hat, a blue tropical shirt, and tan shorts.

Capt. Travers: "Ha ha! We meet again, Kenny! Do you remember me? I'm the captain of the fine vessel that brought you to this island. I guess it's time for your first Fossil Battle... And I don't expect to lose, Kenny."

Travers goes to enter the arena but suddenly remembers something and turns back to Kenny.

Capt. Travers: "Oh, yeah. One more thing I should let you know-- On your watch, a Formation screen will show up before battle, but it doesn't matter now, since this is a one-on-one battle. Press the 'Ready' button on the lower right of your screen to advance to the next screen. Alrighty then. It's time for battle. I hope you've got moves for me!"

Travers enters the arena and Kenny follows soon after. He checks his watch and sees the formation screen. Kenny goes ahead and clicks the ready button. He goes to his side of the arena as Travers goes to his. The crowd in the stands start cheering as they anticipate the battle.

Kenny: "Hey Captain! I don't plan on losing this fight! I've got someone back home I need to impress!"

Capt. Travers: "Well, let's see if you can keep up then!"

Kenny and Travers throw their Dino Medals as their vivosaurs appear on the battlefield. Travers has a smaller vivosaur that is blue in color and has a bit of pink. Travers has the lower LP so he gets the first attack.

Capt. Travers: "Goyo, Rock Head!"

His vivosaur runs at Spinax and rams its head into Spinax's torso. Spinax flinches but stands strong.

Kenny: "Spinax! Spinax Fang!" Spinax lunges towards the smaller vivosaur and strikes Goyo. Goyo is knocked back slightly but recovers quickly. Kenny then ends his turn.

Goyo then returns the favor by striking the same spot as before and delivers a heavier blow, resulting in a critical hit. Spinax staggers back and its breathing labors slightly. Travers ends his turn.

Kenny: "Stand strong, Spinax! Now, once more. Spinax Fang!" Spinax charges towards Goyo with its jaws open. Goyo tries to dodge but couldn't due to its injury from last turn.

Spinax strikes true and Goyo falls to the ground, defeated. The crowd cheers for Kenny as the battle is finally over.

You won!

Both Kenny and Travers exit the arena and stand infront of the receptionist desk and start to converse.

Capt. Travers: "Well how about that, Kenny! I guess that makes you an official Fossil Fighter! Now, I've got some advice for you. If you lose a fossil battle, you'll have to take the trek back to your hotel room to rest up. But try to not forget to write in that journal of yours, you hear? No sense taking risks at your age.

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