Part 4: The Missing Medals

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--> Play Alone

Play Together


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Kenny sees Bea as he enters the Park Area. He walks over to her as he prepares to head back to the T.D.S.

Bea: "So are you ready to go to the Trial Dig Site?" Kenny nods his head yes, "Great! Let's go."

Bea leads Kenny back to the T.D.S. When he arrives, he sees a VMM and another person there. The other person there wears a hard hat, gloves, baggy shorts, a button up shirt, and pure red shoes. All that he wore was black, yellow, and red in patterns. Kenny walks up to him.

???: "Oh, hi there! You must be new. I'm Holt. Good to meetcha."

Kenny: "Nice to meet you, Holt. I'm Kenny."

Holt: "By the way, you've only fought one-on-one battles so far, right? Let me show you the deal with two-on-two battles."

Holt initiates a mock battle as he throws his two Dino Medals. Kenny does the same and soon looks down at his watch.

Holt: "All right, let me explain two-on-two battles. Let me start by explaining the red, blue, and green zones that the vivosaurs stand on. The red one is the Attack Zone (AZ). Vivosaurs in the AZ can attack vivosaurs in the opponent's Attack OR Support Zones. The blue zones are Support Zones (SZ).

Holt: "Vivosaurs in a Support Zone can only attack vivosaurs in the opponent's AZ. Also, SZ vivosaurs deal less damage than they would from the AZ. On the other hand, your vivosaurs will take less damage when they're in the SZ. The green zone is the Escape Zone (EZ). Vivosaurs moved to the EZ can't use skills, but they also don't take any damage."

As Holt finishes up his explanation on the zones, both Kenny's and Holt's SZ vivosaurs apply a buff to their respective AZ vivosaur.

Holt: "Hey, did you see what the vivosaurs in the SZ did just now? They used support effects. Support effects are extra effects that SZ vivosaurs perform automatically. Now notice the arrow icons displayed over the AZ vivosaurs. An arrow pointing up means increased power, and an arrow pointing down means decreased power."

The mock battle starts as it shows the total LP of both teams. Kenny has first attack.

Holt: "The blue icon is the swap command, which is used to move vivosaurs between the zones. It moves the AZ vivosaur to the EZ... And moves a SZ vivosaur to the AZ. Swapping doesn't cost any FP to use. Try swapping your vivosaurs."

Kenny: "Shanshan, swap with Spinax!" Spinax back up into the EZ as Shanshan steps infront of Spinax and into the AZ.

Holt: "That's some good swapping, right there. Vivosaurs moved to the EZ are automatically moved to an open SZ two turns later. That's about it for swapping.

Holt: "I'm going to wrap up with something very important. Each vivosaur can attack only once per turn. Depending on how much FP you have left, you may be able to attack with a different vivosaur. Also, whenever you lose a vivosaur in battle, you get a big chunk of FP to help you fight back. This keeps things interesting, since knocking out a vivosaur might set up its friend for a big attack."

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