Part 5: Medal-Dealer Joe

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--> Play Alone

Play Together


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As Kenny has his wrist nearly broken, the girl stomps her way up to the desk.

???: "I sure hope you have an explanation for this!"

Wendy looks at the girl then at Kenny then back at the girl.

Wendy: "Sorry, miss, but I don't understand. Can I help you with something?"

???: "Help me with something?! How about getting back my Dino Medals that your employee stole from me in Greenhorn Plains!"

Wendy: "Greenhorn Plains, you say? Let me check the duty roster. It'll just take a moment." Wendy then leaves for a few moments as typing can be heard. She soon returns to the forced duo, "That's odd... We don't actually have anyone scheduled for duty in Greenhorn Plains today..."

???: "Wh-what?! What do you mean?! Who stole my medals then?" She then turns to Kenny, "This is bad. This is very bad! We'll have to go talk to the police! The police station is in the Guild Area. It's left of the Fossil Stadium. Let's go!"

Kenny heads to the left of the Fossil Center and walks down the path.

They see the police station and quickly enter it. They head over to the desk.

???: "I'm sure Captain Bullwort will be able to help us!"

Officer: "Hello, is there something wrong?"

???: "Yes, there's something wrong! I need to talk to Captain Bullwort immediately!"

Officer: "Captain Bullwort should be in the captain's office... as usual. I'm sure he can help you with whatever problems you have."

???: "Thank you very much. I'll talk to him."

They both enter the office on the left. They follow the path and enter Bullwort's office.

They see Bullwort standing infront of his desk. They both run over to him.

???: "Captain! Captain Bullwort!"

Bullwort: "Aw, what's the matter, young lady? Did someone throw away one of your dolls or something?" He smirks smugly.

???: "Hardly! My Dino Medals have been stolen! My Dino Medals! Without them, do I even count as Fighter? I need the police to investigate immediately! The criminal could be out there stealing medals right now!"

Bullwort: "Well, that IS serious. Do you remember what the suspect looked like?" He starts saying, quickly losing his smug attitude.

???: "Yeah, umm... He had eyes like a lambeosaurus. And his mouth was exactly like an anatotitan's!"

Bullwort: "Hmm... Finding this criminal might be tougher than I thought..."

???: "But I had 10 Dino Medals! Do you know how long it took me to get them?!" She starts to break down and sob, "I had the perfect team all ready for my Level-Up Battle!"

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