I'll Show You What I Am Made Of

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To say that Vladim Ozwal was shocked and surprised to see Alina Starkov alive and well was the understatement of a lifetime.

All types of emotions were written over his face, and they changed so quickly as he looked at her and tried to comprehend what he was seeing.

Alina waited patiently for him to calm down. She saw him rub his eyes; he tried to speak, he tried to approach her, but he was confused and even looked scared. Alina smiled at his face. He was happy to see her, glad but also worried.

He cried. He tried hard not to whimper, but the struggle of holding back tears was a harder task than imagined. Alina's own eyes were watery at the sight of someone crying for her because she was alive. She felt loved and happy that there were people who missed her. She was also glad he hadn't broken down in a prayer or a chant or something familiar. He seemed to take her presence rather well, better than she had imagined.

"Saints," Vladim sobbed as he covered his eyes with his forearm. "This is great." He told her as he tried not to cry too hard. He removed his hand from his face and looked at Alina with a serious determination.

"I will protect you with my life," he told her and kneeled before her.

Here we go. Alina's eyes shot upwards to the skies as she took a deep breath.

"Stand up, Vladim," she told him with unexpected hardness in her voice. She even felt Nikolai tense beside her. "I am no Queen to bow down to and no longer a Summoner."

Vladim looked at her, surprised, and slowly got up. He looked at his own hands as he realized that losing her power was why he had become a Sun Summoner himself. He felt sorry for her like it was his fault, and Alina could see that. She hated when people pitied her.

"You still have to keep her identity a secret," Zoya reminded him. "There is a high chance of her being found out, and we don't need that attention right now."

"Yes, General," Vladim answered firmly.

"I will need the help of the Sun Summoners, and you will be entrusted with the task of their proper training and involvement," Alina told him.

"Yes-" Vladim looked confused as he did not know how to address Alina. She was no longer a Summoner and had no title to go by; she was no longer the Second Army's leader, but she was a Saint. To him, at least, Alina Starkov was still a Saint. Her actions proved that. Alina smiled at his confusion.

"Alina," she told him. "Call me Alina, Vladim."

"Yes, Alina," he looked uncomfortable with addressing her that comfortably and yet he felt calm and content in the knowledge that she was still here. She was still with them, to help them. He knew she was the salvation they all needed; this time, he would protect her properly.

"We need the complete ensemble of people and Grisha fit to fight on the front lines, also get the maps, we need to check out every region that might be under attack," Nikolai ordered. "We have to straighten the palace as it is a target of the Fjerdans."

"I'll go get him," Zoya announced grimly before Nikolai could task her with the burden of getting the Darkling and left the room. Nikolai looked at Alina.

"You sure she won't kill him?" She asked him and looked at the spot where she had been standing a while ago. "She might have meant his head, you know."

"I do worry about this," Nikolai admitted. "She is not exactly very trusting or friendly of him."

Could she blame her? He used to charm his Grisha into making them feel like his favorite, like they were special and untouchable, only to use them as pawns in his plan, easy to throw away, to dispose of. They meant nothing to him. Or maybe he had lied to himself as well; the Darkling had played himself, just like he had played them all. A double-edged sword, both sides have shed blood, both sides have lost. This time it was not an internal conflict; it was not Grisha against Grisha; it was not about who held the power in Ravka; it was to safe Ravka and its people.

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