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I don't know how long we sit like this , me just laying in his arms with my head just above his heart listening to his heart beat , his fingers gently massaging my scalp while the other gently wiping the falling tears from my eyes .

"Things will get better ." Ash whispers rubbing his nose against the crook of my neck .

"I suppose there is no harm done by simply holding on to that thread of hope ." I sigh , being tired of having the same discussion over and over again .This one is different though ... I agree for a change instead of voicing  my own opinion because it just leads to  disagreement which then progresses into a fight and that leads to me wanting to continue poking at the story just to make him angrier . Its like a chain reaction, a series of events caused by the previous ones , the main being this stubborn human being that just can not admit to being wrong (the one and the only Asher Alvera). 

"Its not a thread... more of a rope because there is much faith in that statement ."I just look up at him biting my tongue ...breath Blayke ... breath . You can always smother him with a pillow later on when you sneak into his bed .

"Can I ask a question Ash ?" Well if he is going to voice , so will I.

"How did I stay married to you for this long ? Surely you ought to be  joking when you say we have been married for six years well seven in the next two days . Either that or the me before the coma was delusional  . Have you met yourself , you are so frustrating always have to have something to say . Just be quiet sometimes !" I push myself off his chest , glaring at him . His about to say something else so I block my ears like a child and walk out on him .

Once I am out the door I unblock them and I bump into Barney's rather flabby chest . He is another one that gets on my nerves  just pops up anytime and anywhere.

"What a show Blayke , very childish I am waiting for you to get a marker or paint and channel all that negative energy  painting a picasso on the walls ." He did not just say that . I shove Barney out of the way and make my way to the chest of drawers in 'Mr Annoyings ' office and rummage through the drawers until I stumble upon a permanent marker .

"Great idea Ash !"

I bang his office door shut the I remove the cap of the marker and I get started on my 'picasso.' I manage to write 'Mr Anno-' before he slams me against the door trapping me with my arms locked above my head held tightly by his one hand .

"Alvera's -" Barney starts before we both scream in union , "Not now Barney !"

"You are so frustrating women ." He intakes a deep breath with his nostrils flared , I attempt to wriggle  out of his grasp which just makes him hold me tighter against his body . He catches me off guard when he flings me over his shoulder making my nightgown fly up as well . I kick and scream trying to grab onto anything and everything , I even contemplate on grabbing onto the short flabby man when he decides to follow behind , but his height works to his advantage . Its when I hear the familiar sound of the French door sliding open that I begin to panic because I know his devious plan . 

"No !" It was supposed to come out demanding but instead it comes out as a giggle because he knows his going to have to pay for this later ...

Just as he is about to throw  me ,as if I weighed nothing, I grab onto his shirt as my last resort .

He only chuckles ,"Sure you can go with the shirt if it helps you float ."

I do not know how he does it , but I go flying with his shirt into the freezing water of our pool .

"Say cheese !" Is the first thing I hear as soon as I come up for air . I meet eyes with flash of the paparazzi who somehow managed to  stand on the durawall .

I let out a shriek as my nightgown suddenly turns transparent , before I can think Ash is in the water , his possessive and  overprotective side taking over as he wraps his body around mine shielding my almost naked self from cameras .

He carries me out the water and back through the French door . As soon as we are inside I smack at his chest and almost strangle him .

"That is enough !" Barney screams at us both making us pull apart  .

"She started it ", Ash exclaims in the most cutest voice that could ever fall upon ears while pouting and pointing at me.

"Did not !" I mimic him .

Barney glares at us both . Ash and I burst out into fits of laughter , even Felix (my body guard ) who you never see smile had to chuckle at us .

"Get cleaned up now !"Both Ash and I on queue stand up at attention as if we were apart of the army making us clutch our stomachs out of laughter .

"Hair and make up will be here in less that three hour, up and at em Alvera's !"  I just look up at my husband letting out a snort  .

"Yes , Sir !"We say in union .

"Alvera's ! " We start making our way to our room .

"Want me to blow dry your hair  ?"I love the way he cares to ask when he has already plugging it in , so I just take a seat at our dressing table . 

"We are behind schedule , hair and makeup have arrived . Get your butts  downstairs right now !" 

"Right on schedule  Mr Alvera !" I chime , smiling at him through the mirror. 

Authors note : What was your fave part of this chapter ?

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