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Asher helps me off the bed its only then i realize my backside is completely exposed in this ridiculous hospital gown , but i have no choice but to bear with it as i suspect my balance is not exactly trustworthy .

I flush when he stands me straight up holding onto my waist touching the little skin the gown does not cover .

"I think i am stable enough ." I try and plead but it falls on deaf ears , but he respects my privacy enough to allow me to put the clothes i can put on while the gown is still on . After slipping on a bra he hands me a shirt , for this i have to take off the gown .

I hesitantly hold the hem of the gown  , he lets out a chuckle when he sees how hesitant i am .

"I will turn around ," i hear the smile in his voice .

I tap his shoulder and he turns around to see me fully clothed in a pair of  black leggings and a plain blue shirt i suspect belongs to him , as i am practically drowning in it .

I take my first step forward and stumble a bit , the boot on my left leg making it difficult to walk .

"Let me carry you ." He suggests , "or you could just get the wheelchair in the corner ." I point out , earning a chuckle , " now where is the fun in that ." He pouts but ignores the wheelchair and scoops me into his arms .

I do not protest , i am too tired to , odd as i have been sleeping for the past two months .

"Felix !" Asher calls out to a man standing at the exit of the hospital .

"Great to see you Mrs Al ." The big man smiles which look rather strange , his so big and intimidating a smile doesn't look right on him .

"Great to be awake ." Is all i say earning a nod from him .

"Felix , your personal body guard at your service  ." I give him a perplexed look  but its Asher who answers me .

"We will talk about it once we get through the cameras ." I leave it at that .

Felix steps out of the hospital first , Asher follows with me in his arms .

"Do me a favour and hide your face in my neck ." I don't question it but before i do so i see a pair of  big men walking behind us .

Then its just bright lights , flashes . I feel my heart pound at my chest and my breathing quickens  .

"Blayke ! "I hear people shout my name but i do not dare remove my fave from Ashers neck .

"Any injuries from the accident !" I hear more questions and a lot of  clicking noises . They are taking pictures  , why ?

I open my eyes for a split second and immediately get disoriented , i tighten my grip on Asher in which he responds by tightening his grip on my body and continues walking at a steady pace . I hear my heart in my ear , and my breath keeps getting caught in my throat .

"Breath ." Asher whispers in my ear .

"What happened ?!"  More questions come directed at us , i find myself feeling scared and involuntry tears stream down my cheeks . This is all too much .

"Asher what is your take on almost loosing your wife ?" This makes Asher halt in his tracks  .

I feel Felix try and pull Asher from his spot but he does not budge instead he shelters my face , his about to say something but i hear Felix whisper ," ignore it , lets get her home ."

Just like that we are walking again but stop this time to jump into the car . Asher sits me down gently before he jumps into the car and slams the door hard making me jump .

"Just a fraction of privacy !" He exclaims , a scowl plastered on his face .

"Relax Mr Al ." The second man whose name i am yet to learn pleads  .

"Easy for you to say ." He spits out bitterly with clenched fists at his side with his eyes closed . I try catch my breath but the deeper i breath the more the air refuses to get to my lungs .

"Mrs Al you okay ?" Felix this times speaks meeting my eyes in the mirror , concern clear in his dark eyes .

"I can't breath ." I manage to choke out .

I try reach to open the window as all of them are shut , i need air .

Asher's hand stops my hand before it can reach the simple button .

"Blayke look at me ." I'm too busy in the mist of my panick attack to notice Asher has pulled me into his arms . He gently gets a grip on my chin and makes me meet his eyes , you  can clearly  see his still angry but his eyes soften a bit .

"Felix pull over ." Asher orders tension and worry clear in his voice .

"Felix i said pull over !" He raises his voice making me jump in his lap . His very quick to recover his gentle demeanor  when he realizes his shouting is only making matters worse .

The car comes to a stop , " Blayke  ." He lays my head on his chest  just above his heart .

"Breath with me ." He caresses my hair out of my face .

"Listen to my heart , follow the rise and fall of my chest ." I swallow hard and try calm myself again .

"I met you in the dark , you led me out . You made me feel as though i was enough , we danced the night away . We drank to much ......." He sings to me , i turn my attention away from everything and focus on his voice .

I look into his eyes , then i watch his lips as he sings to me while he contiues to stroke my hair . I feel the air come in a bit easier .

"I am here ." He breaks the lyrics to say that then proceeds in singing to me , i close my eyes and listen to his voice and the beat of his heart .

Authors note :

Anyone else like that song ?

Vote , comment , ask question i appreciate it all !



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