Ex Lover

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Yah no . I use his body to push myself up , making him huff out all the air in his lungs due to my force . Its only when i am half way up , when i gaze into those eyes . I notice a darker shade of blue surrounding his pupils , those beautiful orbs that get darker when its cold , similar to how my green ones turn to an almost grey when it rains .

"I don't know about you , but i would like to use the moneys worth and sleep on the bed ." He rolls his eyes and chuckles ," what am i going to do with you women ."

I turn my head and find him staring at me . I do wonder what is running through his mind .

"Can i ask a question , you don't have to answer it . I don't want to ruin our little get away ." Am i going to regret this ?

Yes most likely .

"Spill ."

"What did i do to loose you ." I stare back at the ceiling and decide he needs to know .

"First of all you are not loosing me , for i am gonna play the role of your cocky ex wife that you can not and i repeat can not get rid of ." I try lightening the mood , succeeding when i catch a glimpse of a smile .

"Okay , okay my soon to be stalker what did i do to make you unlove me ."

"Unlove , i despise of such words , lets say fall out of love ."

"Potato , potato ."

"You see , one can never stop loving , its not a switch that can be flipped on and off as you please . From how i see love , i see it as a force that crushes you with an overwalming amount of emotions , or better yet an over flowing jar . You don't know how to cope with all the emotions you feel towards a person , its refreshing but suffocating ."

I look him in the eyes , and i see his blue orbs are glossy and raw with emotion .

"You never did anything , but morn your loss . You lost the girl you fell in love with , the girl you ran off to Vegas and went and elope. You wearing shorts while your bride wore faded blue jeans and a purple tank top that had little wholes in it , with a cheap veil and a fake bookay of flowers that sang wagners march with a very drunk Elvis Presley marrying you to the girl you love . Then coming home and having a proper traditional wedding and when the preacher said ' does anyone object to the union of Blayke Taya Hererra and Asher Dantè Alvera ,' my mum had to quickly cover your mums mouth to stop her from saying anything .Your mum still does not like me until this day ." He chuckles knowing very well his mum does not like me one bit .

" Then an accident took her from you and left you with me , your soon to be stalker ex wife . You were in pain you tried to force the memories back , at first i was really mad but now that i think about it , i would have done the same . " i tell the story of the Elvis wedding just as he had told me the day i came out of hospital , i remember being nervous but that story had washed the nerves away and replaced them with giggles .

This makes him chuckle and get his phone from the bedside table . I watch as he stares with a smile on his face at the picture of him , Elvis and i at the Vegas wedding . "You did make one heck of a gorgeous bride without the white dress ."

I smile as i stare at the stranger in the picture with a drunk passed out Elvis with an arm on her shoulder and an arm of her husbands shoulder holding him up . The couple have so much joy in their eyes . Her green twinkling with all the giggling . His blue sparkling with the joy of watching her .

"Can you belive this was us seven years ago ?"

"Yes ,yes i can ."

"So you still love me ?"

"Duhhhh why else would i choose to play the role of your cocky ex loverrrr ."

"So why not just be my lover ?"

"You have not looked at me the way this man looked at her ." I refer to his lockscreen .

"We have grown apart and i don't think i want to keep holding on to you when you can be happy and look at a girl like this again ."

I turn my head and look at him while he stares at his lockscreen with his lips pressed into a firm line .

I kiss his cheek ," good night Ash ."

"Good night Blayke ."

Authors note :

Elvissssss !

Sorry i know its short but it is just a filler chapter .

Thank you for the votes lindushi18 means a lot !

Don't forget to vote and comment and i hope you pictured an interesting Vegas wedding .



till chapter 14 .

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