Fire Vs Crime

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"Aunt Blayke !" Brian's daughter shout waving her hands in the air trying to get my attention . I pull her into a big hug and kiss her cheeks .

"Where is Josh ?" My little niece , Avery jumps up and down by Ash until she is on his shoulders .

"Hey sis ." Brian in the glory of his fireman overalls gives me a bear hug .

"Where is your twin ."

"Running late you know Ry ."

Brian and the rest of his station are onstage and when Ryan finally arrives him and the police force join them .

"Welcome to this years Fire Vs Crime !" The crowd goes wild .

"Now you know the rules , you get to pick which team Blayke and Ash are going to be on ."

Its like a lucky dip kind of a thing . My name and Asher's are written on a pieces of  paper once one of the kids pick a paper we will know which team I am on .

"Blayke Fire !" Bryan does a happy dance and rubs it into Ryan's face.

"That can only mean Ash is on team Crime ."

"This year we have five challenges ."

"1 . Accapella
  2 . Cook off
  3 . Relay
  4 . Mud run
   5 . Tug of war

May the best team win !"

Bryan takes off his jacket and puts it on me .

"Lets go team Fire !" I scream .

We spin the wheel that tells us what songs to sing and it lands on Beyoncè.

When Eddie starts singing 'If I were a boy' the crowd erupts in laughter , he leads the song and the rest of us create the beat .

"To the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left !" The Crime team starts singing with Asher leading .

I can not help but giggle with the crowd .

"All the single ladies , all the single ladies ." I sing over him , I even do the dance and the hand thing .

The buzzer rings and my team won the first challenge .

Next we go and put on aprons , the crowd has to be the judge of whose food tastes better .

My team makes pasta while theirs makes lasagna which Ash did not even go near the food .

They won this round but the relay we can not let them win !

Sadly they do because Eddie is clumsy and kissed the ground which makes me wonder how did he become a fire fighter with his two left feet .

The mud run started of good that was until Ash was about to slip and grasped hold of me to steady himself  making me unsteady leading to both of us collapsing . Luckily my dearest brother Bryan made the finish line somehow managing to to not get pulled down  by the ankles by Ryan and we won this challenge .

My brother are really competitive .

One more challenge to go and the scores are tied not for long though ... these fire men are all super strong .

I was holding the end of the rope and as soon as we won the game I slipped and fell on my bum . It was a sore but I managed to giggle .

"Team Fire takes the win !"

"We beat you we won !" All the fireman start singing doing a little dance which I assume they have been practicing .

"You fall down ?" Avery skips to my aid with a band aid in her small hand which she places on my forehead very far from where is sore and then kisses it better .

"Thank you Ave ."

I hear a chuckle and look to see my nephew howling with laughter so I reach him and hug him till he too is covered in mud .

We all make our way to the fire engine and get sprayed off , I am clean and my skin feels so smooth thanks to the mud bath . Soon after we all make our ways home after we donate the money to a childrens home .

"Today was fun ."

"Tiring too ." I agree with Ash as I let myself fall asleep in the car


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