*my koala bear

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"Pedro !" Its just after noon , after our chess games we went for a swim in the sea when i stumbled upon a palm tree that had big coconuts dangling off it basically calling my name .

So now i am currently walking the beach dead looking for Pedro so he can climb the tree .

I huff , its hot and the sand is heavy as it weighs my flip flops down . Taking off my shoes , i run on the hot sand back to our chalet passing others . Wonder who stays in them ?

"You find him ?" Ash is currently sunbathing laying on his beach towel .

"His nowhere to be seen so much for coconut milk ," i pant just letting myself fall on my behind in the soft , squishy sand .

Ash stumbles to his feet with determination plastered on his face .

"You want a coconut , ima get you that coconut ."

I fall back laughing , clutching my stomach .

I feel myself once again get flung over his shoulder .

"Throw..... me in the poo..l or the sea , but you cli.....mb a tree ."i am giggling harder when i find myself in the water my hair stuck to my face .

Ash disappears into the chalet so i lay on his towel . He comes back moments later with a belt in his hands .

This is going to be fun .

"Whatchudoin ?"

"Getting you the coconut ."

"With a belt ?"

"Yes i will use it to get up there ." He states the obvious , but my question is how . Muscles or not , not everyone can climb a tree .

He wraps the belt around the tree and then wraps his legs around the tree like a koala bear on a bamboo tree . I quickly take a picture with my phone , and i hear him groan .

He moves until he is a quarter up the tree ,"see easy peasy ."

Ten mintues later , Ash is halfway hugging the tree and where am i ?

Under him holding his small beach towel just in case he falls .

"So now you are worried about me falling when i am halfway up the tree ?" He shouts from above me .

"No i am just getting ready to catch my coconuts Sherlock."

"How are you even going to catch me with my beach towel might i ask ?"

"Nicely ." He chuckles at my response and proceeds to make me nervous as he moves higher and higher .

Ten agonising minutes later of me lifting the towel higher getting nervous . Don't laugh what else am i supposed to do , pull the matress out of the bedroom and put it under him . I am not superman !

He finally reaches the top .

"Right now i have reached the top how on earth am i supposed to get these things down now without falling onto my wife's makeshift tiny hammock ."

"Don't fall please ."

"Talking to me or the big lizard moving towards me ?"

"Murphys law ?"

"Murphys law ." He groans .

"Now i am undecided do i hold up my and i quote you "my make shift hammock ' or do i take my phone out to record godzilla give you your first lizard kiss ." I am just messing with him trying to lighten the mood because my koala bear hugging the tree is petrified of lizards .

I hear him chuckle ," what would i do without you women ."

"Its coming closer !" he shrieks making me nervous once again .

"Mr Alvera ," Pedro gasps . Well well look who decided to show up , the flower man . Perfect timing !

"Pedro , there is a big lizard creeping towards me what do i do ."

"Make your way down the tree slowly , we do not want the lizard to feel threatened and get into a push up position . "

"Kinda too late for that , it is doing push ups , his or her form is bad though ."

"Ash ," i hiss at him , busy provoking the lizard . What if it understands what his saying ?

"Sorry nice lizzy , you do a better push up than anyone i have seen ." He whispers to the lizard as he inches down .

"Its moving closer ." He whispers panic lacing his voice .

"Just keep moving down slowly ." Pedro instructs , please leave him alone lizard .

I watch as he moves slowly , making his way halfway down the tree .

I hear a crunching sound and my attention is drawn to the dry leaves that crumble and fall down .

"Leaves in my eyes ." Get down safley .

"Is it still moving down ?" Pedro asks , i have dropped my hammock completely .

"No it ran back up ." I let out a sigh of relief .

Five minutes later his on the squish sand once again . I pull him into a bone crushing bear hug wrapping my limbs around his body .

"I'm okay , you dropped the hammock how were you going to catch me,"he whispers in my ear soothing my hair while wrapping his arms around me . I am like the koala bear and he is like my bamboo tree .

I look him in the eyes and i see his left eye is a bit red . I unhook my body from his and grab his hand and pull him towards the chalet .

Looking in my purse , i always have eye gene in here somewhere .

"Lay down ." I instruct and put a drop of eye gene on cotton wool .

I lay on my stomach next to his head and i gently wipe around his eyes , i then drop a drop in each of his eyes and kiss his forehead .

"My koalabear ." I say snuggling into his side letting my sleep from this morning take over once again .

"Mr Alvera ." Perfect timing once again Pedro !

"Come in !" Ash shouts loud enough for the flower man to hear .

"Not many people can actually climb a palm tree , not even me ." Pedro chuckles .

"I have left two coconuts in the kitchen , the people at the village would like to invite the two of you to come have a taste of our culture ."

"Thank you Pedro but -"

"We will see you there ." Asher , what am i going to do with you .

Ash moves until he is laying on his back , his eyes watering and taps the spot in his side .

I snuggle in his side wrapping my arms around him , my koala bear . He kisses my forehead ," don't worry my eyes are just itchy , just a little leaves fell in them but my wifey fixed em up ."

"Hush." I place my finger on his lips and he kisses it .

I close my eyes and hope my sleep comes back . I don't know if either of us will survive apart so until then i will cherish what i have with him .

Authors note :

If Ash had fallen , that hammock .....

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