Flying to Seoul

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After that presentation on Indian Conclave of Philosophy, y/n got a column on sunday magazine for her writings and few guest lectures in various Indian univ and one or two online lectures.

Y/n planning for her next book but busy with her daily classes. She is blessed to have good people around her who keep encouraging her.

Y/N pov:

I finally got a month off as the semester ended and now I wanted to visit my mom's place. I miss my family so much.

Since I work in Delhi university and I belong to south india, I rarely go to my home place.

" y/n, Going to home!?", I heard while locking my apartment. She is my neighbour and such a sweet person. Though I cook myself, she is like another mother who willingly share her dishes with me especially on festivals and weekends. Grateful to have her as Neighbour.

" Yeah, Maa. Semester is over and I got a month off. Its been a year I visited my family. TaTa Maa, take care. I am gonna miss your cooking" I gave her a hug.

"Tell your mom that I asked her. Safe journey y/n. TaTa" she smiled and get inside her apartment.

Flight to Home.....✈

"Y/n has come", shouts my sister once I entered the house. She run to me giving a hug and take my luggage.

I run to kitchen to see my mom and give her a back hug. " Amma, I am hungry and starving to eat your food".

My Mom turned gave a kiss on my forehead, " Look at your face how pale you are. Are you eating regularly? Seems like you wasted few kgs".

"I am on diet"

" Ah...Ah.., Thats enough. Go, get refresh. Today, you gonna eat everything what I give you. No arguments and throw your diet on dustbin" my mom shouted. Oh God, I missed this and now its feel like home. I hug my mom back.

The days went off......🏕

" Are you still awake?", my mom.

" Just checking mails. Will sleep soon?"

" It can be checked on morning just lay on bed and close your eyes"

" okey, okey. I will"

Nothing changed. The same mom even though you are grown. Still, she is your same mom. A crescent smile appeared on my face.

"Wait, what?", my eyes went wide open.

Its an invitation to the Korean Conclave on Philosophy.

I feel like I wanna jump from balcony. Oh, then I may not attend it. Ignoring the night hours, I texted my professor for confirmation.

He is quick to reply and its confirmed.

I know that I get the oppurtunity to take lectures on world universities but never ever thought that my first visit would be to konkuk University. The first thing that pop up on my head is the fact that Jin had his UG from this univ.

"Y/s/n, y/s/n...Are you awake?" , shaking the shoulder of my sister who laying beside me on bed.

"No, reading a ff. What? Why are you shouting?" She replied annoyingly.

I rapped her the whole thing in few seconds. She suddenly sit up on the bed , " Is this true? Did you confirm it? Ooooo.....Hey, don't tell me your are pranking me to see my reaction".

" Why I am gonna do that, its true and confirmed."

" Maa........You know what", she ran out of our room to mom's. I followed her.

" Why are you girls shouting like y/n gonna marry Jin? Its just a lecture and its not even sure you will meet anyone from BTS", Mom said rubbing her eyes still in sleepy mode. " Anyways, congratulations y/n. Its your dream come true. Proud of you my child" . She open her hands for hug.

" Amma, will you let me marry him?" I say while hugging back.

" oh God, help my child to get out from this hallucinations. Y/n , you will never grow up still that playful kid. You are going to be 27 soon and going to get marry by next year" she said to my surprise.

"Amma, I am just 26 and when did this happen. Are you looking for a groom? You hadn't told me. Please, I am begging don't take this topic again" all my excitement vanishes with this one topic.

"Ok..ok. let's talk about this when you are back. Now, don't spoil your mood. We are not gonna take any decision w/o you. Its your life" she assure me pinching my cheeks " Smile my girl".

I sigh as lay down on bed. The talk about marriage haunted me for a second. Arrange Marriage is usual in India. But, I wish I wanna fall for a man and pour all my love for him then get married. But in arrange marriage its other way around. By drowning in thoughts I fall asleep.

Flying to Seoul✈......

After the month off, now back to routine. Usual 9 AM classes, short lunch, editing my column and thesis. Asusual no change expect that I am anticipating for the day for korean conclave.

" Mam, Chairman called you", peon entered my cabin while I am busy editing thesis. I nodded and get up from my chair.

" May I get in? Sir" I entered chairman office.

"Come in, Ms y/n. Get a seat. So here is your flight tickets. And your accommodations will be taken care by konkuk university. Do well.This gonna be a huge platform to establish yourself and to showcase our country's asset to world." I nodded.

" Sure sir. This is the great opportunity to learn and to spread orient thoughts to world. And thanks for choosing me".

"Thats it. Bon Voyage. Take care."

" Thank you, sir"

I left his office with thousand watt bright face. I actually don't know why am i so excited like i going to a concert. The concert is still a dream and saving a money for it. But, Its just a official trip. Why should I kill a army inside me? No never. I feel like this is new beginning. What new beginning? I laugh at myself.Anyways, its official or not, I am so happy.

Next day, I packed my things. Everything is packed. The taxi is on the way.

I get into taxi once it arrived and head towards airport.

What next? ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈

Bon Voyage Y/n.

A/n's POV:

Who knows what will happen? But sure everything is for good.

Guys, have you ever heard about butterfly effect?

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